2023-02-03 04:08:44 -05:00
# Doors are sturdier than windows
2023-06-15 16:36:30 -04:00
This is my personal desktop environment that is:
2023-02-03 07:04:28 -05:00
1. Reliable
1. Fast
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1. Made from readily available components
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1. Simple (see above)
1. Decent looking
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2023-02-05 21:42:24 -05:00
I try to use the terminal as much as possible for performance and also so it's the same experience whether
you're at the computer or connected via ssh.
2023-06-15 16:36:30 -04:00
If it's not here then you probably don't need it.
2023-02-03 04:08:44 -05:00
2023-06-15 16:36:30 -04:00
## Most Features
2023-02-05 21:42:24 -05:00
### Shell/Base
- [Yay](https://github.com/Jguer/yay) - Package manager with AUR support (Arch only)
- [rsync](https://rsync.samba.org/) - For my 'push' alias
- [sl](https://github.com/eyJhb/sl) - For when you're too fast
- [btop](https://github.com/aristocratos/btop) - Top++
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- [neovim](https://github.com/neovim/neovim) - Edit text blazingly fast (even over ssh)
2023-02-05 21:42:24 -05:00
- [byobu](https://www.byobu.org/) - Comfy multiplexer
2023-02-05 21:52:43 -05:00
- [Oh My Zsh](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh) - Community enhancements for zsh. Easier than DIY
2023-02-06 06:51:41 -05:00
- [nnn](https://github.com/jarun/nnn) - Lightning fast file manager
2023-02-06 04:10:46 -05:00
- [lf](https://github.com/gokcehan/lf) - File manager like [ranger](https://github.com/ranger/ranger) but faster
- [stpv](https://github.com/Naheel-Azawy/stpv) (via AUR) - For lf previews
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### Graphical environment
2023-06-15 16:36:30 -04:00
- [river](https://github.com/riverwm/river) - Dynamic wayland compositor like DWM
2023-02-05 21:42:24 -05:00
- [kitty](https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty) - Fast terminal with GPU acceleration and image support
- [playerctl](https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl) - Handle media keys
- [acpi](https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/acpi/) - Power/thermal stuff, standby, etc. You want this for a desktop
Eye Candy:
- [pywal](https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal) - Set whole system color scheme from wallpaper colors
- [pywal-discord](https://github.com/FilipLitwora/pywal-discord) - See above
- [wal-telegram](https://github.com/guillaumeboehm/wal-telegram) - See above
- [Pywalfox](https://github.com/Frewacom/pywalfox) - See above
2023-02-03 04:08:44 -05:00
## Install
2023-06-15 16:36:30 -04:00
The install script clones this repo, installs a few dependencies, then copies my configs to `$HOME/.config/` creating a backup
for any config files that already exist. NOTE: Only one backup per file is saved to prevent piling up backups. It's only meant
to catch small oversights and is very verbose.
Shell tested on Arch, Ubuntu Server 22.04, Fedora 37, it should work just about anywhere.
2023-02-03 07:04:28 -05:00
2023-02-05 21:42:24 -05:00
### Quick shell (start here):
2023-02-03 04:08:44 -05:00
As your new user in your new user's home directory run: (will overwrite some user files)
2023-06-18 19:13:52 -04:00
1. ```curl https://doors.doordesk.net/setup | bash```
2023-02-03 04:08:44 -05:00
2. Log out and log back in
## Post Install
1. Neovim will be confused on first start until `:PackerSync` is run
### TODO:
2023-06-15 16:36:30 -04:00
- make installer more granular
- install full DE
2023-02-03 04:08:44 -05:00
- support more distros