-- ## Usage -- -- Either use the command `CommentToggle`, e.g.: -- -- - `CommentToggle` comment/uncomment current line -- - `67,69CommentToggle` comment/uncomment a range -- - `'<,'>CommentToggle` comment/uncomment a visual selection -- -- Or use the default mappings: -- -- - `gcc` comment/uncomment current line, this does not take a count, if you want -- a count use the `gc{count}{motion}` -- - `gc{motion}` comment/uncomment selection defined by a motion (as lines are -- commented, any comment toggling actions will default to a linewise): -- - `gcip` comment/uncomment a paragraph -- - `gc4w` comment/uncomment current line -- - `gc4j` comment/uncomment 4 lines below the current line -- - `dic` delete comment block -- - `gcic` uncomment commented block require('nvim_comment').setup( { -- Linters prefer comment and line to have a space in between markers marker_padding = true, -- should comment out empty or whitespace only lines comment_empty = true, -- trim empty comment whitespace comment_empty_trim_whitespace = true, -- Should key mappings be created create_mappings = true, -- Normal mode mapping left hand side line_mapping = "gcc", -- Visual/Operator mapping left hand side operator_mapping = "gc", -- text object mapping, comment chunk,, comment_chunk_text_object = "ic", -- Hook function to call before commenting takes place hook = nil } ) vim.keymap.set("v", "", "'<,'>CommentToggle") vim.keymap.set("n", "", "CommentToggle")