use crate::components::game::cards::*; use crate::components::game::header::*; use crate::components::websocket::WebSocketContext; use leptos::*; use leptos_use::core::ConnectionReadyState; use lib::*; use serde_json::to_string; use std::collections::HashMap; pub mod cards; pub mod header; pub mod meta; pub mod scoreboard; #[component] pub fn Game() -> impl IntoView { // Websocket stuff let websocket = expect_context::(); let tx = websocket.clone(); let (websocket_send, set_websocket_send) = create_signal("".to_string()); create_effect(move |_| { tx.send(&websocket_send()); }); // Incoming let connected = move || websocket.ready_state.get() == ConnectionReadyState::Open; let game_meta = expect_context::>>(); let judge_round = expect_context::>>(); let user_update = expect_context::>>(); // Signals // let (selected_cards, set_selected_cards) = create_signal::>(vec![]); let (card_clicked, set_card_clicked) = create_signal::(String::new()); let (player_hand, set_player_hand) = create_signal::>(HashMap::new()); let (judging, set_judging) = create_signal(false); // Outoging provide_context::>(set_card_clicked); // On Incoming Meta // // Put cards in a map for easier lookup // The server sends a vec to preserve ordering create_effect(move |_| { if game_meta().is_some() { for card in game_meta().unwrap().white { set_player_hand.update(|map| { map.insert(card.uuid.clone(), card.clone()); }); } } set_selected_cards.update(|list| { list.clear(); }); }); // Determine judging create_effect(move |_| { user_update.with(move |user_meta| { if let Some(user_meta) = user_meta { if let Some(game_meta) = game_meta() { logging::log!("{} {}", user_meta.username, game_meta.czar); if user_meta.username == game_meta.czar { set_judging(true); } else { set_judging(false); } } } }) }); // On Incoming Judge // create_effect(move |_| { // Clear selected cards if judge_round().is_some() { set_selected_cards.update(|list| { list.clear(); }); } }); // Player Submit Handler // let submit_move = move |_| { let msg = to_string(&PlayerMoveRequest { game_id: game_meta().unwrap().uuid.clone(), card_ids: selected_cards() .iter() .map(|card| card.uuid.clone()) .collect(), }) .unwrap(); set_websocket_send(msg); set_selected_cards.update(|list| { list.clear(); }); }; // Judging Submit Handler // let submit_judge = move |_| { let msg = to_string(&JudgeDecisionRequest { game_id: game_meta().unwrap().uuid.clone(), winning_cards: selected_cards() .iter() .map(|card| card.uuid.clone()) .collect(), }) .unwrap(); set_websocket_send(msg); set_selected_cards.update(|list| { list.clear(); }); }; // Card selection // // Toggle selected status of cards create_effect(move |_| { if card_clicked() != "".to_string() { if judging.get_untracked() { let identical_cards = selected_cards .get_untracked() .into_iter() .filter(|card| card.uuid == card_clicked.get_untracked()) .collect::>(); if identical_cards.len() > 0 { set_selected_cards.update(|list| { list.clear(); }); } else { // Clear selected cards set_selected_cards.update(|list| { list.clear(); }); // Select card group for group in judge_round.get_untracked().unwrap().cards_to_judge { for card in &group { if card.uuid == card_clicked() { set_selected_cards.update(|cards| cards.extend(group)); break; } } } } // Clear the signal otherwise it selects the last selected card again set_card_clicked.update_untracked(|value| value.clear()); } else { if !selected_cards.get_untracked().contains( player_hand .get_untracked() .get(&card_clicked.get_untracked()) .unwrap(), ) { set_selected_cards.update(|cards| { cards.push(player_hand().get(&card_clicked()).unwrap().clone()) }) } else if selected_cards .get_untracked() .contains(player_hand.get_untracked().get(&card_clicked()).unwrap()) { set_selected_cards.update(|cards| { cards.remove( cards .iter() .position(|card| { card == player_hand().get(&card_clicked()).unwrap() }) .unwrap(), ); }) } // Clear the signal otherwise it selects the last selected card again set_card_clicked.update_untracked(|value| value.clear()); } } }); view! {



// Judging view //
// Selected cards } } />
// Submit button
"You are the czar this round. Cards will appear here once all players have submitted their cards."

} } >
} } />
} } /> // Playing view // // Play cards
// Selected cards } } />
// Submit button
// Player hand
} } />
} }