Leptos Logo # Leptos Client-Side Rendered (CSR) App Starter Template This is a template for use with the [Leptos][Leptos] web framework using the [Trunk][Trunk] tool to compile and serve your app in development. ## Creating your repo from the template This template requires you to have `cargo-generate` installed. You can install it with ```sh cargo install cargo-generate ``` To set up your project with this template, run ```sh cargo generate --git https://github.com/leptos-community/start-csr ``` to generate your new project, then ```sh cd cards ``` to go to your newly created project. By default, this template uses Rust `nightly` and requires that you've installed the `wasm` compilation target for your toolchain. Sass and Tailwind are also supported by the Trunk build tool, but are optional additions: [see here for more info on how to set those up with Trunk][Trunk-instructions]. If you don't have Rust nightly, you can install it with ```sh rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade ``` You can add the `wasm` compilation target to rust using ```sh rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown ``` ## Developing your Leptos CSR project To develop your Leptos CSR project, running ```sh trunk serve --port 3000 --open ``` will open your app in your default browser at `http://localhost:3000`. ## Deploying your Leptos CSR project To build a Leptos CSR app for release, use the command ```sh trunk build --release ``` This will output the files necessary to run your app into the `dist` folder; you can then use any static site host to serve these files. For further information about hosting Leptos CSR apps, please refer to [the Leptos Book chapter on deployment available here][deploy-csr]. [Leptos]: https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos [Trunk]: https://github.com/trunk-rs/trunk [Trunk-instructions]: https://trunkrs.dev/assets/ [deploy-csr]: https://book.leptos.dev/deployment/csr.html