```toml content_type = "project" title = "Cartman is public!" date = "2022 10 20" ``` [Cartman](https://old.doordesk.net/cartman) is trained by combining Microsoft's [DialoGPT-medium](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/DialoGPT-medium) NLP model (GPT2 model trained on 147M samples of multi-turn dialogue from Reddit) with 17 seasons of [South Park](https://southparkstudios.com) transcripts. Requests are routed from [Nginx](https://nginx.com) through [WireGuard](https://www.wireguard.com) to a [Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-4-8gb-tested) running [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com), and the Cartman model using [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org). It has enough RAM for more, but the CPU is pretty much at its limit. Expect it to take a few seconds, I'm cheap. Sorry(kinda). You can download a Docker image if you'd like to run it on your own hardware for either [x86_64](https://old.doordesk.net/files/chatbots_api_x86_64.tar.gz) or [aarch64](https://old.doordesk.net/files/chatbots_api_aarch64.tar.gz). More info [here](https://github.com/adoyle0/cartman) as well as [example scripts](https://github.com/adoyle0/cartman/tree/master/api/test) to talk to the docker container.