/// A codec for storing ProtoBuf messages that relies on [`prost`] to parse.
/// [Protocol buffers](https://protobuf.dev/overview/) is a serialisation format useful for long-term storage. It provides semantics for versioning that are not present in JSON or other formats. [`prost`] is a Rust implementation of Protocol Buffers.
/// This codec uses [`prost`] to encode the message and then [`base64`](https://docs.rs/base64) to represent the bytes as a string.
/// let (get, set, remove) = use_local_storage::<i32, ProstCodec>("my-key");
/// // Structs:
/// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, prost::Message)]
/// pub struct MyState {
/// #[prost(string, tag = "1")]
/// pub hello: String,
/// }
/// let (get, set, remove) = use_local_storage::<MyState, ProstCodec>("my-struct-key");
/// # view! { }
/// # }
/// ```
/// Note: we've defined and used the `prost` attribute here for brevity. Alternate usage would be to describe the message in a .proto file and use [`prost_build`](https://docs.rs/prost-build) to auto-generate the Rust code.