use crate::core::{ElementsMaybeSignal, IntoElementMaybeSignal, IntoElementsMaybeSignal}; use cfg_if::cfg_if; use default_struct_builder::DefaultBuilder; cfg_if! { if #[cfg(not(feature = "ssr"))] { use leptos::prelude::*; use crate::utils::IS_IOS; use crate::{use_event_listener, use_event_listener_with_options, UseEventListenerOptions}; use leptos::ev::{blur, click, pointerdown}; use std::cell::Cell; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::RwLock; use std::time::Duration; use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; static IOS_WORKAROUND: RwLock = RwLock::new(false); }} /// Listen for clicks outside of an element. /// Useful for modals or dropdowns. /// /// ## Demo /// /// [Link to Demo]( /// /// ## Usage /// /// ``` /// # use leptos::prelude::*; /// # use leptos::logging::log; /// # use leptos::html::Div; /// # use leptos_use::on_click_outside; /// # /// # #[component] /// # fn Demo() -> impl IntoView { /// let target = NodeRef::
::new(); /// /// on_click_outside(target, move |event| { log!("{:?}", event); }); /// /// view! { ///
"Hello World"
"Outside element"
/// } /// # } /// ``` /// /// > This function uses [Event.composedPath()]( /// > which is **not** supported by IE 11, Edge 18 and below. /// > If you are targeting these browsers, we recommend you to include /// > [this code snippet]( on your project. /// /// ## Excluding Elements /// /// Use this to ignore clicks on certain elements. /// /// ``` /// # use leptos::prelude::*; /// # use leptos::logging::log; /// # use leptos::html::Div; /// # use leptos_use::{on_click_outside_with_options, OnClickOutsideOptions}; /// # /// # #[component] /// # fn Demo() -> impl IntoView { /// # let target = NodeRef::
::new(); /// # /// on_click_outside_with_options( /// target, /// move |event| { log!("{:?}", event); }, /// OnClickOutsideOptions::default().ignore(["input", "#some-id"]), /// ); /// # /// # view! { /// #
"Hello World"
/// # } /// # } /// /// ``` /// /// ## Server-Side Rendering /// /// On the server this amounts to a no-op. pub fn on_click_outside(target: El, handler: F) -> impl FnOnce() + Clone where El: IntoElementMaybeSignal, F: FnMut(web_sys::Event) + Clone + 'static, { on_click_outside_with_options(target, handler, OnClickOutsideOptions::default()) } /// Version of `on_click_outside` that takes an `OnClickOutsideOptions`. See `on_click_outside` for more details. #[cfg_attr(feature = "ssr", allow(unused_variables))] pub fn on_click_outside_with_options( target: El, handler: F, options: OnClickOutsideOptions, ) -> impl FnOnce() + Clone where El: IntoElementMaybeSignal, F: FnMut(web_sys::Event) + Clone + 'static, { #[cfg(feature = "ssr")] { || {} } #[cfg(not(feature = "ssr"))] { let OnClickOutsideOptions { ignore, capture, detect_iframes, } = options; // Fixes: // How it works: if *IS_IOS { if let Ok(mut ios_workaround) = IOS_WORKAROUND.write() { if !*ios_workaround { *ios_workaround = true; if let Some(body) = document().body() { let children = body.children(); for i in 0..children.length() { let _ = children .get_with_index(i) .expect("checked index") .add_event_listener_with_callback( "click", &js_sys::Function::default(), ); } } } } } let should_listen = Rc::new(Cell::new(true)); let should_ignore = move |event: &web_sys::UiEvent| { let ignore = ignore.get_untracked(); ignore.into_iter().flatten().any(|element| { event_target::(event) == element || event.composed_path().includes(element.as_ref(), 0) }) }; let target = target.into_element_maybe_signal(); let listener = { let should_listen = Rc::clone(&should_listen); let mut handler = handler.clone(); let should_ignore = should_ignore.clone(); let target = target.clone(); move |event: web_sys::UiEvent| { if let Some(el) = target.get_untracked() { if el == event_target(&event) || event.composed_path().includes(el.as_ref(), 0) { return; } if event.detail() == 0 { should_listen.set(!should_ignore(&event)); } if !should_listen.get() { should_listen.set(true); return; } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] let _z = leptos::reactive::diagnostics::SpecialNonReactiveZone::enter(); handler(event.into()); } } }; let remove_click_listener = { let mut listener = listener.clone(); use_event_listener_with_options::<_, web_sys::Window, _, _>( window(), click, move |event| listener(event.into()), UseEventListenerOptions::default() .passive(true) .capture(capture), ) }; let remove_pointer_listener = { let target = target.clone(); let should_listen = Rc::clone(&should_listen); use_event_listener_with_options::<_, web_sys::Window, _, _>( window(), pointerdown, move |event| { if let Some(el) = target.get_untracked() { should_listen .set(!event.composed_path().includes(&el, 0) && !should_ignore(&event)); } }, UseEventListenerOptions::default().passive(true), ) }; let remove_blur_listener = if detect_iframes { Some(use_event_listener::<_, web_sys::Window, _, _>( window(), blur, move |event| { let target = target.clone(); let mut handler = handler.clone(); let _ = set_timeout_with_handle( move || { if let Some(el) = target.get_untracked() { if let Some(active_element) = document().active_element() { if active_element.tag_name() == "IFRAME" && !el .unchecked_into::() .contains(Some(&active_element.into())) { handler(event.into()); } } } }, Duration::ZERO, ); }, )) } else { None }; move || { remove_click_listener(); remove_pointer_listener(); if let Some(f) = remove_blur_listener { f(); } } } } /// Options for [`on_click_outside_with_options`]. #[derive(Clone, DefaultBuilder)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "ssr", allow(dead_code))] pub struct OnClickOutsideOptions { /// List of elementss that should not trigger the callback. Defaults to `[]`. #[builder(skip)] ignore: ElementsMaybeSignal, /// Use capturing phase for internal event listener. Defaults to `true`. capture: bool, /// Run callback if focus moves to an iframe. Defaults to `false`. detect_iframes: bool, } impl Default for OnClickOutsideOptions { fn default() -> Self { Self { ignore: Vec::::new().into_elements_maybe_signal(), capture: true, detect_iframes: false, } } } impl OnClickOutsideOptions { /// List of elements that should not trigger the callback. Defaults to `[]`. #[cfg_attr(feature = "ssr", allow(dead_code))] pub fn ignore( self, ignore: impl IntoElementsMaybeSignal, ) -> Self { Self { ignore: ignore.into_elements_maybe_signal(), ..self } } }