use leptos::html::Textarea; use leptos::prelude::*; use leptos_use::docs::{demo_or_body, Note}; use leptos_use::{use_element_bounding, UseElementBoundingReturn}; #[component] fn Demo() -> impl IntoView { let el = create_node_ref::(); let UseElementBoundingReturn { width, height, left, right, top, bottom, x, y, .. } = use_element_bounding(el); let text = move || { format!( "width: {}\nheight: {}\nleft: {}\nright: {}\ntop: {}\nbottom: {}\nx: {}\ny: {}", width.get(), height.get(), left.get(), right.get(), top.get(), bottom.get(), x.get(), y.get() ) }; view! { Resize the box to see changes } } fn main() { _ = console_log::init_with_level(log::Level::Debug); console_error_panic_hook::set_once(); mount_to(demo_or_body(), || { view! { } }) }