use crate::{ core::{MaybeRwSignal, StorageType}, utils::{FilterOptions, StringCodec}, }; use cfg_if::cfg_if; use leptos::*; use std::rc::Rc; use thiserror::Error; use wasm_bindgen::JsValue; const INTERNAL_STORAGE_EVENT: &str = "leptos-use-storage"; /// Reactive [Storage]( /// /// The function returns a triplet `(read_signal, write_signal, delete_from_storage_fn)`. /// /// ## Demo /// /// [Link to Demo]( /// /// ## Usage /// /// Pass a [`StorageType`] to determine the kind of key-value browser storage to use. /// The specified key is where data is stored. All values are stored as UTF-16 strings which /// is then encoded and decoded via the given [`Codec`]. This value is synced with other calls using /// the same key on the smae page and across tabs for local storage. /// See [`UseStorageOptions`] to see how behaviour can be further customised. /// /// See [`StringCodec`] for more details on how to handle versioning — dealing with data that can outlast your code. /// /// > To use the [`JsonCodec`], you will need to add the `"serde"` feature to your project's `Cargo.toml`. /// > To use [`ProstCodec`], add the feature `"prost"`. /// /// ## Example /// /// ``` /// # use leptos::*; /// # use leptos_use::storage::{StorageType, use_local_storage, use_session_storage, use_storage}; /// # use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; /// # use leptos_use::utils::{FromToStringCodec, JsonCodec, ProstCodec}; /// # /// # pub fn Demo() -> impl IntoView { /// // Binds a struct: /// let (state, set_state, _) = use_local_storage::("my-state"); /// /// // Binds a bool, stored as a string: /// let (flag, set_flag, remove_flag) = use_session_storage::("my-flag"); /// /// // Binds a number, stored as a string: /// let (count, set_count, _) = use_session_storage::("my-count"); /// // Binds a number, stored in JSON: /// let (count, set_count, _) = use_session_storage::("my-count-kept-in-js"); /// /// // Bind string with SessionStorage stored in ProtoBuf format: /// let (id, set_id, _) = use_storage::( /// StorageType::Session, /// "my-id", /// ); /// # view! { } /// # } /// /// // Data stored in JSON must implement Serialize, Deserialize. /// // And you have to add the feature "serde" to your project's Cargo.toml /// #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq)] /// pub struct MyState { /// pub hello: String, /// pub greeting: String, /// } /// /// // Default can be used to implement intial or deleted values. /// // You can also use a signal via UseStorageOptions::default_value` /// impl Default for MyState { /// fn default() -> Self { /// Self { /// hello: "hi".to_string(), /// greeting: "Hello".to_string() /// } /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// ## Create Your Own Custom Codec /// /// All you need to do is to implement the [`StringCodec`] trait together with `Default` and `Clone`. /// /// ## Server-Side Rendering /// /// On the server the returned signals will just read/manipulate the `initial_value` without persistence. #[inline(always)] pub fn use_storage( storage_type: StorageType, key: impl AsRef, ) -> (Signal, WriteSignal, impl Fn() + Clone) where T: Default + Clone + PartialEq, C: StringCodec + Default, { use_storage_with_options::(storage_type, key, UseStorageOptions::default()) } /// Version of [`use_storage`] that accepts [`UseStorageOptions`]. pub fn use_storage_with_options( storage_type: StorageType, key: impl AsRef, options: UseStorageOptions, ) -> (Signal, WriteSignal, impl Fn() + Clone) where T: Clone + PartialEq, C: StringCodec + Default, { let UseStorageOptions { codec, on_error, listen_to_storage_changes, initial_value, filter, } = options; let (data, set_data) = initial_value.into_signal(); let default = data.get_untracked(); cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "ssr")] { let _ = codec; let _ = on_error; let _ = listen_to_storage_changes; let _ = filter; let _ = storage_type; let _ = key; let _ = INTERNAL_STORAGE_EVENT; let remove = move || { set_data.set(default.clone()); }; (data.into(), set_data, remove) } else { use crate::{use_event_listener, use_window, watch_with_options, WatchOptions}; // Get storage API let storage = storage_type .into_storage() .map_err(UseStorageError::StorageNotAvailable) .and_then(|s| s.ok_or(UseStorageError::StorageReturnedNone)); let storage = handle_error(&on_error, storage); // Schedules a storage event microtask. Uses a queue to avoid re-entering the runtime let dispatch_storage_event = { let key = key.as_ref().to_owned(); let on_error = on_error.to_owned(); move || { let key = key.to_owned(); let on_error = on_error.to_owned(); queue_microtask(move || { // Note: we cannot construct a full StorageEvent so we _must_ rely on a custom event let mut custom = web_sys::CustomEventInit::new(); custom.detail(&JsValue::from_str(&key)); let result = window() .dispatch_event( &web_sys::CustomEvent::new_with_event_init_dict( INTERNAL_STORAGE_EVENT, &custom, ) .expect("failed to create custom storage event"), ) .map_err(UseStorageError::NotifyItemChangedFailed); let _ = handle_error(&on_error, result); }) } }; // Fetches direct from browser storage and fills set_data if changed (memo) let fetch_from_storage = { let storage = storage.to_owned(); let codec = codec.to_owned(); let key = key.as_ref().to_owned(); let on_error = on_error.to_owned(); move || { let fetched = storage .to_owned() .and_then(|storage| { // Get directly from storage let result = storage .get_item(&key) .map_err(UseStorageError::GetItemFailed); handle_error(&on_error, result) }) .unwrap_or_default() // Drop handled Err(()) .map(|encoded| { // Decode item let result = codec .decode(encoded) .map_err(UseStorageError::ItemCodecError); handle_error(&on_error, result) }) .transpose() .unwrap_or_default(); // Drop handled Err(()) match fetched { Some(value) => { // Replace data if changed if value != data.get_untracked() { set_data.set(value) } } // Revert to default None => set_data.set(default.clone()), }; } }; // Fetch initial value fetch_from_storage(); // Fires when storage needs to be fetched let notify = create_trigger(); // Refetch from storage. Keeps track of how many times we've been notified. Does not increment for calls to set_data let notify_id = create_memo::(move |prev| { notify.track(); match prev { None => 1, // Avoid async fetch of initial value Some(prev) => { fetch_from_storage(); prev + 1 } } }); // Set item on internal (non-event) page changes to the data signal { let storage = storage.to_owned(); let codec = codec.to_owned(); let key = key.as_ref().to_owned(); let on_error = on_error.to_owned(); let dispatch_storage_event = dispatch_storage_event.to_owned(); let _ = watch_with_options( move || (notify_id.get(), data.get()), move |(id, value), prev, _| { // Skip setting storage on changes from external events. The ID will change on external events. if|(prev_id, _)| *prev_id != *id).unwrap_or_default() { return; } if let Ok(storage) = &storage { // Encode value let result = codec .encode(value) .map_err(UseStorageError::ItemCodecError) .and_then(|enc_value| { // Set storage -- sends a global event storage .set_item(&key, &enc_value) .map_err(UseStorageError::SetItemFailed) }); let result = handle_error(&on_error, result); // Send internal storage event if result.is_ok() { dispatch_storage_event(); } } }, WatchOptions::default().filter(filter), ); } if listen_to_storage_changes { let check_key = key.as_ref().to_owned(); // Listen to global storage events let _ = use_event_listener(use_window(), leptos::ev::storage, move |ev| { let ev_key = ev.key(); // Key matches or all keys deleted (None) if ev_key == Some(check_key.clone()) || ev_key.is_none() { notify.notify() } }); // Listen to internal storage events let check_key = key.as_ref().to_owned(); let _ = use_event_listener( use_window(), ev::Custom::new(INTERNAL_STORAGE_EVENT), move |ev: web_sys::CustomEvent| { if Some(check_key.clone()) == ev.detail().as_string() { notify.notify() } }, ); }; // Remove from storage fn let remove = { let key = key.as_ref().to_owned(); move || { let _ = storage.as_ref().map(|storage| { // Delete directly from storage let result = storage .remove_item(&key) .map_err(UseStorageError::RemoveItemFailed); let _ = handle_error(&on_error, result); notify.notify(); dispatch_storage_event(); }); } }; (data, set_data, remove) }} } /// Session handling errors returned by [`use_storage_with_options`]. #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum UseStorageError { #[error("storage not available")] StorageNotAvailable(JsValue), #[error("storage not returned from window")] StorageReturnedNone, #[error("failed to get item")] GetItemFailed(JsValue), #[error("failed to set item")] SetItemFailed(JsValue), #[error("failed to delete item")] RemoveItemFailed(JsValue), #[error("failed to notify item changed")] NotifyItemChangedFailed(JsValue), #[error("failed to encode / decode item value")] ItemCodecError(Err), } /// Options for use with [`use_local_storage_with_options`], [`use_session_storage_with_options`] and [`use_storage_with_options`]. pub struct UseStorageOptions> { // Translates to and from UTF-16 strings codec: C, // Callback for when an error occurs on_error: Rc)>, // Whether to continuously listen to changes from browser storage listen_to_storage_changes: bool, // Initial value to use when the storage key is not set initial_value: MaybeRwSignal, // Debounce or throttle the writing to storage whenever the value changes filter: FilterOptions, } /// Calls the on_error callback with the given error. Removes the error from the Result to avoid double error handling. #[cfg(not(feature = "ssr"))] fn handle_error( on_error: &Rc)>, result: Result>, ) -> Result { result.map_err(|err| (on_error)(err)) } impl + Default> Default for UseStorageOptions { fn default() -> Self { Self { codec: C::default(), on_error: Rc::new(|_err| ()), listen_to_storage_changes: true, initial_value: MaybeRwSignal::default(), filter: FilterOptions::default(), } } } impl> UseStorageOptions { /// Sets the codec to use for encoding and decoding values to and from UTF-16 strings. pub fn codec(self, codec: impl Into) -> Self { Self { codec: codec.into(), ..self } } /// Optional callback whenever an error occurs. pub fn on_error(self, on_error: impl Fn(UseStorageError) + 'static) -> Self { Self { on_error: Rc::new(on_error), ..self } } /// Listen to changes to this storage key from browser and page events. Defaults to true. pub fn listen_to_storage_changes(self, listen_to_storage_changes: bool) -> Self { Self { listen_to_storage_changes, ..self } } /// Initial value to use when the storage key is not set. Note that this value is read once on creation of the storage hook and not updated again. Accepts a signal and defaults to `T::default()`. pub fn initial_value(self, initial: impl Into>) -> Self { Self { initial_value: initial.into(), ..self } } /// Debounce or throttle the writing to storage whenever the value changes. pub fn filter(self, filter: impl Into) -> Self { Self { filter: filter.into(), ..self } } }