use crate::{ core::{MaybeRwSignal, StorageType}, use_event_listener_with_options, use_window, UseEventListenerOptions, }; use leptos::*; use std::{rc::Rc, str::FromStr}; use thiserror::Error; use wasm_bindgen::JsValue; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct UseStorageOptions> { codec: C, on_error: Rc)>, listen_to_storage_changes: bool, default_value: MaybeSignal, } /// Session handling errors returned by [`use_storage`]. #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum UseStorageError { #[error("storage not available")] StorageNotAvailable(JsValue), #[error("storage not returned from window")] StorageReturnedNone, #[error("failed to get item")] GetItemFailed(JsValue), #[error("failed to set item")] SetItemFailed(JsValue), #[error("failed to delete item")] RemoveItemFailed(JsValue), #[error("failed to encode / decode item value")] ItemCodecError(Err), } /// Hook for using local storage. Returns a result of a signal and a setter / deleter. pub fn use_local_storage(key: impl AsRef) -> (Memo, impl Fn(Option) -> ()) where T: Clone + Default + FromStr + PartialEq + ToString, { use_storage_with_options(StorageType::Local, key, UseStorageOptions::string_codec()) } pub fn use_local_storage_with_options( key: impl AsRef, options: UseStorageOptions, ) -> (Memo, impl Fn(Option) -> ()) where T: Clone + PartialEq, C: Codec, { use_storage_with_options(StorageType::Local, key, options) } /// Hook for using session storage. Returns a result of a signal and a setter / deleter. pub fn use_session_storage(key: impl AsRef) -> (Memo, impl Fn(Option) -> ()) where T: Clone + Default + FromStr + PartialEq + ToString, { use_storage_with_options(StorageType::Session, key, UseStorageOptions::string_codec()) } pub fn use_session_storage_with_options( key: impl AsRef, options: UseStorageOptions, ) -> (Memo, impl Fn(Option) -> ()) where T: Clone + PartialEq, C: Codec, { use_storage_with_options(StorageType::Session, key, options) } /// Hook for using any kind of storage. Returns a result of a signal and a setter / deleter. pub fn use_storage_with_options( storage_type: StorageType, key: impl AsRef, options: UseStorageOptions, ) -> (Memo, impl Fn(Option) -> ()) where T: Clone + PartialEq, C: Codec, { // TODO ssr let UseStorageOptions { codec, on_error, listen_to_storage_changes, default_value, } = options; // Get storage API let storage = storage_type .into_storage() .map_err(UseStorageError::StorageNotAvailable) .and_then(|s| s.ok_or(UseStorageError::StorageReturnedNone)); let storage = handle_error(&on_error, storage); // Fetch initial value (undecoded) let initial_value = storage .to_owned() // Pull from storage .and_then(|s| { let result = s .get_item(key.as_ref()) .map_err(UseStorageError::GetItemFailed); handle_error(&on_error, result) }) .unwrap_or_default(); // Decode initial value let initial_value = decode_item(&codec, initial_value, &on_error); let (data, set_data) = create_signal(initial_value); // Update storage value let set_value = { let storage = storage.to_owned(); let key = key.as_ref().to_owned(); let codec = codec.to_owned(); let on_error = on_error.to_owned(); move |value: Option| { let key = key.as_str(); // Attempt to update storage let _ = storage.as_ref().map(|storage| { let result = match value { // Update Some(ref value) => codec .encode(&value) .map_err(UseStorageError::ItemCodecError) .and_then(|enc_value| { storage .set_item(key, &enc_value) .map_err(UseStorageError::SetItemFailed) }), // Remove None => storage .remove_item(key) .map_err(UseStorageError::RemoveItemFailed), }; handle_error(&on_error, result) }); // Notify signal of change set_data.set(value); } }; // Listen for storage events // Note: we only receive events from other tabs / windows, not from internal updates. if listen_to_storage_changes { let key = key.as_ref().to_owned(); let _ = use_event_listener_with_options( use_window(), leptos::ev::storage, move |ev| { // Update storage value if our key matches if let Some(k) = ev.key() { if k == key { let value = decode_item(&codec, ev.new_value(), &on_error); set_data.set(value) } } else { // All keys deleted set_data.set(None) } }, UseEventListenerOptions::default().passive(true), ); }; // Apply default value let value = create_memo(move |_| data.get().unwrap_or_else(|| default_value.get())); (value, set_value) } /// Calls the on_error callback with the given error. Removes the error from the Result to avoid double error handling. fn handle_error( on_error: &Rc)>, result: Result>, ) -> Result { result.or_else(|err| Err((on_error)(err))) } fn decode_item>( codec: &C, str: Option, on_error: &Rc)>, ) -> Option {|str| { let result = codec.decode(str).map_err(UseStorageError::ItemCodecError); handle_error(&on_error, result) }) .transpose() // We've sent our error so unwrap to drop () error .unwrap_or_default() } impl> UseStorageOptions { fn new(codec: C) -> Self { Self { codec, on_error: Rc::new(|_err| ()), listen_to_storage_changes: true, default_value: MaybeSignal::default(), } } pub fn on_error(self, on_error: impl Fn(UseStorageError) + 'static) -> Self { Self { on_error: Rc::new(on_error), ..self } } pub fn listen_to_storage_changes(self, listen_to_storage_changes: bool) -> Self { Self { listen_to_storage_changes, ..self } } pub fn default_value(self, values: impl Into>) -> Self { Self { default_value: values.into().into_signal().0.into(), ..self } } } pub trait Codec: Clone + 'static { type Error; fn encode(&self, val: &T) -> Result; fn decode(&self, str: String) -> Result; } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct StringCodec(); impl Codec for StringCodec { type Error = T::Err; fn encode(&self, val: &T) -> Result { Ok(val.to_string()) } fn decode(&self, str: String) -> Result { T::from_str(&str) } } impl UseStorageOptions { pub fn string_codec() -> Self { Self::new(StringCodec()) } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct ProstCodec(); #[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ProstCodecError { #[error("failed to decode base64")] DecodeBase64(base64::DecodeError), #[error("failed to decode protobuf")] DecodeProst(#[from] prost::DecodeError), } use base64::Engine; impl Codec for ProstCodec { type Error = ProstCodecError; fn encode(&self, val: &T) -> Result { let buf = val.encode_to_vec(); Ok(base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(&buf)) } fn decode(&self, str: String) -> Result { let buf = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD .decode(str) .map_err(ProstCodecError::DecodeBase64)?; T::decode(buf.as_slice()).map_err(ProstCodecError::DecodeProst) } } impl UseStorageOptions { pub fn prost_codec() -> Self { Self::new(ProstCodec()) } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct JsonCodec(); impl Codec for JsonCodec { type Error = serde_json::Error; fn encode(&self, val: &T) -> Result { serde_json::to_string(val) } fn decode(&self, str: String) -> Result { serde_json::from_str(&str) } } impl UseStorageOptions { pub fn json_codec() -> Self { Self::new(JsonCodec()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_string_codec() { let s = String::from("party time 🎉"); let codec = StringCodec(); assert_eq!(codec.encode(&s), Ok(s.clone())); assert_eq!(codec.decode(s.clone()), Ok(s)); } #[test] fn test_prost_codec() { #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, prost::Message)] struct Test { #[prost(string, tag = "1")] s: String, #[prost(int32, tag = "2")] i: i32, } let t = Test { s: String::from("party time 🎉"), i: 42, }; let codec = ProstCodec(); assert_eq!(codec.decode(codec.encode(&t).unwrap()), Ok(t)); } #[test] fn test_json_codec() { #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] struct Test { s: String, i: i32, } let t = Test { s: String::from("party time 🎉"), i: 42, }; let codec = JsonCodec(); let enc = codec.encode(&t).unwrap(); let dec: Test = codec.decode(enc).unwrap(); assert_eq!(dec, t); } }