import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import re def main(): src_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "src") for dir in os.listdir(src_dir): category = dir category_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, dir) if os.path.isdir(category_dir): for file in os.listdir(category_dir): if file.endswith(".md") and (len(sys.argv) == 1 or (sys.argv[1] in file)): build_and_copy_demo(category, file) def build_and_copy_demo(category, md_name): name = md_name[:-3] example_dir = f"../../examples/{name}" if os.path.exists(example_dir): p = subprocess.Popen(["trunk", "build", "--release"], cwd=example_dir) code = p.wait() if code != 0: sys.exit(code, f"failed to build example '{name}'") example_output_path = os.path.join(example_dir, "dist") target_path = os.path.join("book", category, name, "demo") print(f"Copying demo from {example_output_path} -> {target_path}") shutil.copytree(example_output_path, target_path, dirs_exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(target_path, "index.html"), "r") as f: html ="/demo", f"./{name}/demo") demo_head = html.split("<head>")[1].split("</head>")[0] demo_body = html.split("<body>")[1].split("</body>")[0] book_html_path = os.path.join("book", category, f"{name}.html") with open(book_html_path, "r") as f: html = head_split = html.split("<head>") target_head = head_split[1].split("</head>")[0] body_split = re.split("<body[^>]*>", html)[1].split("</body>") target_body = body_split[0] with open(book_html_path, "w") as f: f.write( f"""{head_split[0]} <head> {demo_head} {target_head} </head> <body> {demo_body} {target_body} </body> {body_split[1]}""") if __name__ == '__main__': main()