import sys import re def main(): name = sys.argv[1] file_name = f"../../../../src/{name}.rs" types = []; with open(file_name) as f: in_code_block = False doc_comment_started = False initial_doc_finished = False for line in f.readlines(): if initial_doc_finished: process_further_line(line, name, types) elif line.startswith("///"): doc_comment_started = True line = line.strip().replace("/// ", "").replace("///", "") if "```" in line: if not in_code_block: line = line.replace("```", "```rust,ignore") in_code_block = not in_code_block line = process_line(line, name) print(line) elif doc_comment_started: initial_doc_finished = True add_types_paragraph(types) add_source_paragraph(name) def add_types_paragraph(types): if types: print("\n## Types\n") print("\n".join(types)) def add_source_paragraph(name): print("\n## Source\n") source_url = f"{name}.rs" demo_url = f"{name}" docs_url = f"{name}.html" print( f"Source • Demo • Docs") interal_doc_link_pattern = re.compile(r"\[`([^]]+)\`](?!\()") ident_pattern = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\b") def process_line(line, name): stripped = line.strip() result = line if stripped.startswith("[Link to Demo](https://"): example_link = stripped.replace("[Link to Demo](", "").replace(")", "") result = f'''
''' else: result = re.sub(interal_doc_link_pattern, r"[`\1`](\1.html)", line) return result def process_further_line(line, name, types): if line.startswith("pub enum"): append_type(line, "enum", types) elif line.startswith("pub struct"): append_type(line, "struct", types) def append_type(line, ty, types): start_index = len(f"pub {ty} ") m =, line[start_index:]) if m is not None: ident = types.append(f"- [`{ty} {ident}`]({ty}.{ident}.html)") if __name__ == '__main__': main()