use crate::core::ElementMaybeSignal;
use crate::use_event_listener::use_event_listener_with_options;
use crate::{use_debounce_fn_with_arg, use_throttle_fn_with_arg_and_options, ThrottleOptions};
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use default_struct_builder::DefaultBuilder;
use leptos::ev::EventDescriptor;
use leptos::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::rc::Rc;
use wasm_bindgen::JsCast;
/// Reactive scroll position and state.
/// ## Demo
/// [Link to Demo](
/// ## Usage
/// ```
/// # use leptos::*;
/// # use leptos::ev::resize;
/// # use leptos::html::Div;
/// # use leptos_use::{use_scroll, UseScrollReturn};
/// #
/// # #[component]
/// # fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
/// let element = create_node_ref::
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// ### With Offsets
/// You can provide offsets when you use [`use_scroll_with_options`].
/// These offsets are thresholds in pixels when a side is considered to have arrived. This is reflected in the return field `arrived_state`.
/// ```
/// # use leptos::*;
/// # use leptos::html::Div;
/// # use leptos::ev::resize;
/// # use leptos_use::{use_scroll_with_options, UseScrollReturn, UseScrollOptions, ScrollOffset};
/// #
/// # #[component]
/// # fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
/// # let element = create_node_ref::
/// # }
/// # }
/// ```
/// ### Setting Scroll Position
/// Set the `x` and `y` values to make the element scroll to that position.
/// ```
/// # use leptos::*;
/// # use leptos::html::Div;
/// # use leptos::ev::resize;
/// # use leptos_use::{use_scroll, UseScrollReturn};
/// #
/// # #[component]
/// # fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
/// let element = create_node_ref::
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// ### Smooth Scrolling
/// Set `behavior: smooth` to enable smooth scrolling. The `behavior` option defaults to `auto`,
/// which means no smooth scrolling. See the `behavior` option on
/// [Element.scrollTo]( for more information.
/// ```
/// # use leptos::*;
/// # use leptos::ev::resize;
/// # use leptos::html::Div;
/// # use leptos_use::{use_scroll_with_options, UseScrollReturn, UseScrollOptions, ScrollBehavior};
/// #
/// # #[component]
/// # fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
/// # let element = create_node_ref::
/// # }
/// # }
/// ```
/// ## Server-Side Rendering
/// On the server this returns signals that don't change and setters that are noops.
pub fn use_scroll(element: El) -> UseScrollReturn
El: Clone,
El: Into>,
T: Into + Clone + 'static,
use_scroll_with_options(element, Default::default())
/// Version of [`use_scroll`] with options. See [`use_scroll`] for how to use.
pub fn use_scroll_with_options(element: El, options: UseScrollOptions) -> UseScrollReturn
El: Clone,
El: Into>,
T: Into + Clone + 'static,
let (internal_x, set_internal_x) = create_signal(0.0);
let (internal_y, set_internal_y) = create_signal(0.0);
let (is_scrolling, set_is_scrolling) = create_signal(false);
let arrived_state = create_rw_signal(Directions {
left: true,
right: false,
top: true,
bottom: false,
let directions = create_rw_signal(Directions {
left: false,
right: false,
top: false,
bottom: false,
cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "ssr")] {
let set_x = Box::new(|_| {});
let set_y = Box::new(|_| {});
let measure = Box::new(|| {});
} else {
let signal = element.into();
let behavior = options.behavior;
let scroll_to = {
let signal = signal.clone();
move |x: Option, y: Option| {
let element = signal.get_untracked();
if let Some(element) = element {
let element = element.into();
let mut scroll_options = web_sys::ScrollToOptions::new();
if let Some(x) = x {
if let Some(y) = y {;
let set_x = {
let scroll_to = scroll_to.clone();
Box::new(move |x| scroll_to(Some(x), None))
let set_y = Box::new(move |y| scroll_to(None, Some(y)));
let on_scroll_end = {
let on_stop = Rc::clone(&options.on_stop);
move |e| {
if !is_scrolling.get_untracked() {
directions.update(|directions| {
directions.left = false;
directions.right = false; = false;
directions.bottom = false;
let throttle = options.throttle;
let on_scroll_end_debounced =
use_debounce_fn_with_arg(on_scroll_end.clone(), throttle + options.idle);
let offset = options.offset;
let set_arrived_state = move |target: web_sys::Element| {
let style = window()
.expect("failed to get computed style");
if let Some(style) = style {
let display = style
.expect("failed to get display");
let flex_direction = style
.expect("failed to get flex-direction");
let scroll_left = target.scroll_left() as f64;
let scroll_left_abs = scroll_left.abs();
directions.update(|directions| {
directions.left = scroll_left < internal_x.get_untracked();
directions.right = scroll_left > internal_x.get_untracked();
let left = scroll_left_abs <= offset.left;
let right = scroll_left_abs + target.client_width() as f64
>= target.scroll_width() as f64 - offset.right - ARRIVED_STATE_THRESHOLD_PIXELS;
arrived_state.update(|arrived_state| {
if display == "flex" && flex_direction == "row-reverse" {
arrived_state.left = right;
arrived_state.right = left;
} else {
arrived_state.left = left;
arrived_state.right = right;
let mut scroll_top = target.scroll_top() as f64;
// patch for mobile compatibility
if target == document().unchecked_into::() && scroll_top == 0.0 {
scroll_top = document().body().expect("failed to get body").scroll_top() as f64;
let scroll_top_abs = scroll_top.abs();
directions.update(|directions| { = scroll_top < internal_y.get_untracked();
directions.bottom = scroll_top > internal_y.get_untracked();
let top = scroll_top_abs <=;
let bottom = scroll_top_abs + target.client_height() as f64
>= target.scroll_height() as f64 - offset.bottom - ARRIVED_STATE_THRESHOLD_PIXELS;
// reverse columns and rows behave exactly the other way around,
// bottom is treated as top and top is treated as the negative version of bottom
arrived_state.update(|arrived_state| {
if display == "flex" && flex_direction == "column-reverse" { = bottom;
arrived_state.bottom = top;
} else { = top;
arrived_state.bottom = bottom;
let on_scroll_handler = {
let on_scroll = Rc::clone(&options.on_scroll);
move |e: web_sys::Event| {
let target: web_sys::Element = event_target(&e);
let target = {
let signal = signal.clone();
Signal::derive(move || {
let element = signal.get();|element| element.into().unchecked_into::())
if throttle >= 0.0 {
let throttled_scroll_handler = use_throttle_fn_with_arg_and_options(
ThrottleOptions {
trailing: true,
leading: false,
let handler = move |e: web_sys::Event| {
let _ = use_event_listener_with_options::<