
300 lines
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use default_struct_builder::DefaultBuilder;
use leptos::prelude::*;
use leptos::reactive::actions::Action;
use leptos::reactive::wrappers::read::Signal;
use send_wrapper::SendWrapper;
use std::sync::Arc;
use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::Closure, JsCast, JsValue};
use web_sys::ServiceWorkerRegistration;
use crate::{js_fut, use_window};
/// Reactive [ServiceWorker API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API).
/// Please check the [working example](https://github.com/Synphonyte/leptos-use/tree/main/examples/use_service_worker).
/// ## Usage
/// ```
/// # use leptos::prelude::*;
/// # use leptos_use::{use_service_worker_with_options, UseServiceWorkerOptions, UseServiceWorkerReturn};
/// #
/// # #[component]
/// # fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
/// let UseServiceWorkerReturn {
/// registration,
/// installing,
/// waiting,
/// active,
/// skip_waiting,
/// check_for_update,
/// } = use_service_worker_with_options(UseServiceWorkerOptions::default()
/// .script_url("service-worker.js")
/// .skip_waiting_message("skipWaiting"),
/// );
/// # view! { }
/// # }
/// ```
/// ## Server-Side Rendering
/// This function does **not** support SSR. Call it inside a `create_effect`.
pub fn use_service_worker() -> UseServiceWorkerReturn<impl Fn() + Clone, impl Fn() + Clone> {
/// Version of [`use_service_worker`] that takes a `UseServiceWorkerOptions`. See [`use_service_worker`] for how to use.
pub fn use_service_worker_with_options(
options: UseServiceWorkerOptions,
) -> UseServiceWorkerReturn<impl Fn() + Clone, impl Fn() + Clone> {
// Trigger the user-defined action (page-reload by default)
// whenever a new ServiceWorker is installed.
if let Some(navigator) = use_window().navigator() {
let on_controller_change = options.on_controller_change.clone();
let js_closure = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |_event: JsValue| {
let _z = leptos::reactive::diagnostics::SpecialNonReactiveZone::enter();
}) as Box<dyn FnMut(JsValue)>)
// Create async actions.
let create_or_update_registration = create_action_create_or_update_registration();
let get_registration = create_action_get_registration();
let update_sw = create_action_update();
// Immediately create or update the SW registration.
// And parse the result into individual signals.
let registration: Signal<
Result<SendWrapper<ServiceWorkerRegistration>, ServiceWorkerRegistrationError>,
> = Signal::derive(move || {
let a = get_registration.value().get();
let b = create_or_update_registration.value().get();
// We only dispatch create_or_update_registration once.
// Whenever we manually re-fetched the registration, the result of that has precedence!
match a {
Some(res) => res.map_err(ServiceWorkerRegistrationError::Js),
None => match b {
Some(res) => res.map_err(ServiceWorkerRegistrationError::Js),
None => Err(ServiceWorkerRegistrationError::NeverQueried),
let fetch_registration = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |_event: JsValue| {
}) as Box<dyn FnMut(JsValue)>)
// Handle a changing registration state.
// Notify to developer if SW registration or retrieval fails.
Effect::new(move |_| {
registration.with(|reg| match reg {
Ok(registration) => {
// We must be informed when an updated SW is available.
// Trigger a check to see IF an updated SW is available.
// If a SW is installing, we must be notified if its state changes!
if let Some(sw) = registration.installing() {
Err(err) => match err {
ServiceWorkerRegistrationError::Js(err) => {
warn!("ServiceWorker registration failed: {err:?}")
ServiceWorkerRegistrationError::NeverQueried => {}
UseServiceWorkerReturn {
installing: Signal::derive(move || {
registration.with(|reg| {
.map(|reg| reg.installing().is_some())
waiting: Signal::derive(move || {
registration.with(|reg| {
.map(|reg| reg.waiting().is_some())
active: Signal::derive(move || {
registration.with(|reg| {
.map(|reg| reg.active().is_some())
check_for_update: move || {
registration.with(|reg| {
if let Ok(reg) = reg {
skip_waiting: move || {
registration.with_untracked(|reg| if let Ok(reg) = reg {
match reg.waiting() {
Some(sw) => {
debug_warn!("Updating to newly installed SW...");
if let Err(err) = sw.post_message(&JsValue::from_str(&options.skip_waiting_message)) {
warn!("Could not send message to active SW: Error: {err:?}");
None => {
warn!("You tried to update the SW while no new SW was waiting. This is probably a bug.");
/// Options for [`use_service_worker_with_options`].
pub struct UseServiceWorkerOptions {
/// The name of your service-worker file. Must be deployed alongside your app.
/// The default name is 'service-worker.js'.
script_url: String,
/// The message sent to a waiting ServiceWorker when you call the `skip_waiting` callback.
/// The callback is part of the return type of [`use_service_worker`]!
/// The default message is 'skipWaiting'.
skip_waiting_message: String,
/// What should happen when a new service worker was activated?
/// The default implementation reloads the current page.
on_controller_change: Arc<dyn Fn()>,
impl Default for UseServiceWorkerOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
script_url: "service-worker.js".into(),
skip_waiting_message: "skipWaiting".into(),
on_controller_change: Arc::new(move || {
use std::ops::Deref;
if let Some(window) = use_window().deref() {
if let Err(err) = window.location().reload() {
"Detected a ServiceWorkerController change but the page reload failed! Error: {err:?}"
/// Return type of [`use_service_worker`].
pub struct UseServiceWorkerReturn<CheckFn, SkipFn>
CheckFn: Fn() + Clone,
SkipFn: Fn() + Clone,
/// The current registration state.
pub registration:
Signal<Result<SendWrapper<ServiceWorkerRegistration>, ServiceWorkerRegistrationError>>,
/// Whether a SW is currently installing.
pub installing: Signal<bool>,
/// Whether a SW was installed and is now awaiting activation.
pub waiting: Signal<bool>,
/// Whether a SW is active.
pub active: Signal<bool>,
/// Check for a ServiceWorker update.
pub check_for_update: CheckFn,
/// Call this to activate a new ("waiting") SW if one is available.
/// Calling this while the [`UseServiceWorkerReturn::waiting`] signal resolves to false has no effect.
pub skip_waiting: SkipFn,
struct ServiceWorkerScriptUrl(pub String);
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ServiceWorkerRegistrationError {
/// A leptos action which asynchronously checks for ServiceWorker updates, given an existing ServiceWorkerRegistration.
fn create_action_update() -> Action<
Result<SendWrapper<ServiceWorkerRegistration>, SendWrapper<JsValue>>,
> {
move |registration: &SendWrapper<ServiceWorkerRegistration>| {
let registration = registration.clone();
async move {
match registration.update() {
Ok(promise) => js_fut!(promise)
.and_then(|ok| ok.dyn_into::<ServiceWorkerRegistration>())
Err(err) => Err(SendWrapper::new(err)),
/// A leptos action which asynchronously creates or updates and than retrieves the ServiceWorkerRegistration.
fn create_action_create_or_update_registration() -> Action<
Result<SendWrapper<ServiceWorkerRegistration>, SendWrapper<JsValue>>,
> {
Action::new_unsync(move |script_url: &ServiceWorkerScriptUrl| {
let script_url = script_url.0.to_owned();
async move {
if let Some(navigator) = use_window().navigator() {
.and_then(|ok| ok.dyn_into::<ServiceWorkerRegistration>())
} else {
Err(SendWrapper::new(JsValue::from_str("no navigator")))
/// A leptos action which asynchronously fetches the current ServiceWorkerRegistration.
fn create_action_get_registration(
) -> Action<(), Result<SendWrapper<ServiceWorkerRegistration>, SendWrapper<JsValue>>> {
Action::new_unsync(move |(): &()| async move {
if let Some(navigator) = use_window().navigator() {
.and_then(|ok| ok.dyn_into::<ServiceWorkerRegistration>())
} else {
Err(SendWrapper::new(JsValue::from_str("no navigator")))