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use crate::core::ElementsMaybeSignal;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use default_struct_builder::DefaultBuilder;
use leptos::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
cfg_if! { if #[cfg(not(feature = "ssr"))] {
use crate::use_supported;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
/// Reactive [MutationObserver](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver).
/// Watch for changes being made to the DOM tree.
/// ## Demo
/// [Link to Demo](https://github.com/Synphonyte/leptos-use/tree/main/examples/use_mutation_observer)
/// ## Usage
/// ```
/// # use leptos::*;
/// # use leptos::html::Pre;
/// # use leptos_use::{use_mutation_observer_with_options, UseMutationObserverOptions};
/// #
/// # #[component]
/// # fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
/// let el = create_node_ref::<Pre>();
/// let (text, set_text) = create_signal("".to_string());
/// use_mutation_observer_with_options(
/// el,
/// move |mutations, _| {
/// if let Some(mutation) = mutations.first() {
/// set_text.update(|text| *text = format!("{text}\n{:?}", mutation.attribute_name()));
/// }
/// },
/// UseMutationObserverOptions::default().attributes(true),
/// );
/// view! {
/// <pre node_ref=el>{ text }</pre>
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// ## Server-Side Rendering
/// On the server this amounts to a no-op.
pub fn use_mutation_observer<El, T, F>(
target: El,
callback: F,
) -> UseMutationObserverReturn<impl Fn() + Clone>
El: Into<ElementsMaybeSignal<T, web_sys::Element>>,
T: Into<web_sys::Element> + Clone + 'static,
F: FnMut(Vec<web_sys::MutationRecord>, web_sys::MutationObserver) + 'static,
use_mutation_observer_with_options(target, callback, UseMutationObserverOptions::default())
/// Version of [`use_mutation_observer`] that takes a `UseMutationObserverOptions`. See [`use_mutation_observer`] for how to use.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ssr", allow(unused_variables, unused_mut))]
pub fn use_mutation_observer_with_options<El, T, F>(
target: El,
mut callback: F,
options: UseMutationObserverOptions,
) -> UseMutationObserverReturn<impl Fn() + Clone>
El: Into<ElementsMaybeSignal<T, web_sys::Element>>,
T: Into<web_sys::Element> + Clone + 'static,
F: FnMut(Vec<web_sys::MutationRecord>, web_sys::MutationObserver) + 'static,
cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "ssr")] {
UseMutationObserverReturn {
is_supported: Signal::derive(|| true),
stop: || {},
} else {
let closure_js = Closure::<dyn FnMut(js_sys::Array, web_sys::MutationObserver)>::new(
move |entries: js_sys::Array, observer| {
.map(|v| v.unchecked_into::<web_sys::MutationRecord>())
let observer: Rc<RefCell<Option<web_sys::MutationObserver>>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None));
let is_supported = use_supported(|| JsValue::from("MutationObserver").js_in(&window()));
let cleanup = {
let observer = Rc::clone(&observer);
move || {
let mut observer = observer.borrow_mut();
if let Some(o) = observer.as_ref() {
*observer = None;
let targets = target.into();
let stop_watch = {
let cleanup = cleanup.clone();
move || targets.get(),
move |targets, _, _| {
if is_supported.get() && !targets.is_empty() {
let obs = web_sys::MutationObserver::new(closure_js.as_ref().unchecked_ref())
.expect("failed to create MutationObserver");
for target in targets.iter().flatten() {
let target: web_sys::Element = target.clone().into();
let _ = obs.observe_with_options(&target, &options.clone().into());
let stop = move || {
UseMutationObserverReturn { is_supported, stop }
/// Options for [`use_mutation_observer_with_options`].
#[derive(DefaultBuilder, Clone, Default)]
pub struct UseMutationObserverOptions {
/// Set to `true` to extend monitoring to the entire subtree of nodes rooted at `target`.
/// All of the other properties are then extended to all of the nodes in the subtree
/// instead of applying solely to the `target` node. The default value is `false`.
subtree: bool,
/// Set to `true` to monitor the target node (and, if `subtree` is `true`, its descendants)
/// for the addition of new child nodes or removal of existing child nodes.
/// The default value is `false`.
child_list: bool,
/// Set to `true` to watch for changes to the value of attributes on the node or nodes being
/// monitored. The default value is `true` if either of `attribute_filter` or
/// `attribute_old_value` is specified, otherwise the default value is `false`.
attributes: bool,
/// An array of specific attribute names to be monitored. If this property isn't included,
/// changes to all attributes cause mutation notifications.
attribute_filter: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Set to `true` to record the previous value of any attribute that changes when monitoring
/// the node or nodes for attribute changes; See
/// [Monitoring attribute values](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver/observe#monitoring_attribute_values)
/// for an example of watching for attribute changes and recording values.
/// The default value is `false`.
attribute_old_value: bool,
/// Set to `true` to monitor the specified target node
/// (and, if `subtree` is `true`, its descendants)
/// for changes to the character data contained within the node or nodes.
/// The default value is `true` if `character_data_old_value` is specified,
/// otherwise the default value is `false`.
character_data: Option<bool>,
/// Set to `true` to record the previous value of a node's text whenever the text changes on
/// nodes being monitored. The default value is `false`.
character_data_old_value: bool,
impl From<UseMutationObserverOptions> for web_sys::MutationObserverInit {
fn from(val: UseMutationObserverOptions) -> Self {
let UseMutationObserverOptions {
} = val;
let mut init = Self::new();
if let Some(attribute_filter) = attribute_filter {
let array = js_sys::Array::from_iter(attribute_filter.into_iter().map(JsValue::from));
if let Some(character_data) = character_data {
/// The return value of [`use_mutation_observer`].
pub struct UseMutationObserverReturn<F: Fn() + Clone> {
/// Whether the browser supports the MutationObserver API
pub is_supported: Signal<bool>,
/// A function to stop and detach the MutationObserver
pub stop: F,