2024-03-22 17:22:53 +08:00
use super::switch_version::SwitchVersion;
2024-07-24 13:22:46 +00:00
use leptos::{
ev::{self, MouseEvent},
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
use leptos_meta::Style;
2024-07-07 18:33:45 +08:00
use leptos_router::hooks::use_navigate;
// use leptos_use::{storage::use_local_storage, utils::FromToStringCodec};
2023-11-05 16:03:58 +08:00
use thaw::*;
2023-06-18 19:40:23 +08:00
2023-08-29 09:11:22 +08:00
pub fn SiteHeader() -> impl IntoView {
2024-07-10 00:05:22 +08:00
let navigate = use_navigate();
2024-07-24 13:22:46 +00:00
let navigate_signal = RwSignal::new(use_navigate());
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
let theme = Theme::use_rw_theme();
let theme_name = Memo::new(move |_| {
theme.with(|theme| {
if theme.name == *"light" {
} else {
// let (_, write_theme, _) = use_local_storage::<String, FromToStringCodec>("theme");
2024-07-19 17:30:46 +08:00
let change_theme = move |_| {
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
if theme_name.get_untracked() == "Light" {
// write_theme.set("light".to_string());
} else {
// write_theme.set("dark".to_string());
2024-07-19 17:30:46 +08:00
2024-05-13 17:32:45 +08:00
2024-07-07 18:33:45 +08:00
let search_value = RwSignal::new(String::new());
let search_all_options = StoredValue::new(gen_search_all_options());
2024-07-02 07:18:40 +00:00
2024-07-07 18:33:45 +08:00
let search_options = Memo::new(move |_| {
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
let search_value = search_value.get();
if search_value.is_empty() {
return vec![];
fn match_value(pattern: &str, value: String) -> bool {
if pattern.is_empty() {
return true;
if value.is_empty() {
return false;
if pattern.chars().next() == value.chars().next() {
return match_value(pattern.split_at(1).1, value.split_at(1).1.to_string());
match_value(pattern, value.split_at(1).1.to_string())
search_all_options.with_value(|options| {
2023-11-16 12:33:04 +08:00
let search_value = search_value.to_lowercase().replace([' ', '-'], "");
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
let search_value = if search_value.len() > 20 {
} else {
.filter(|option| {
2023-11-16 12:33:04 +08:00
let label = option.label.to_lowercase().replace([' ', '-'], "");
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
match_value(search_value, label)
2024-07-10 00:05:22 +08:00
let on_search_select = {
let navigate = navigate.clone();
move |path: String| {
navigate(&path, Default::default());
2023-11-08 21:53:49 +08:00
2024-07-07 18:33:45 +08:00
let auto_complete_ref = ComponentRef::<AutoCompleteRef>::new();
2023-12-15 00:57:23 +08:00
let handle = window_event_listener(ev::keydown, move |event| {
let key = event.key();
if key == *"/" {
if let Some(auto_complete_ref) = auto_complete_ref.get_untracked() {
on_cleanup(move || handle.remove());
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
2024-06-03 11:27:29 +08:00
// let menu_value = use_menu_value(change_theme);
2023-08-29 09:11:22 +08:00
view! {
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
<Style id="demo-header">
.demo-header {
height: 64px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 0 20px;
2024-05-13 17:32:45 +08:00
z-index: 1000;
position: relative;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--colorNeutralStroke2);
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
.demo-name {
cursor: pointer;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 20px;
.demo-header__menu-mobile {
2024-03-20 15:56:52 +08:00
display: none !important;
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
2024-03-22 17:22:53 +08:00
.demo-header__right-btn .thaw-select {
width: 60px;
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.demo-header {
padding: 0 8px;
2023-11-02 21:29:45 +08:00
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
.demo-name {
display: none;
@media screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
.demo-header__right-btn {
2024-03-20 15:56:52 +08:00
display: none !important;
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
.demo-header__menu-mobile {
2024-03-20 15:56:52 +08:00
display: block !important;
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
<LayoutHeader attr:class=("demo-header", true)>
<Space on:click=move |_| {
navigate("/", Default::default());
<img src="/logo.svg" style="width: 36px"/>
<div class="demo-name">"Thaw UI"</div>
2024-07-24 13:22:46 +00:00
<Space align=SpaceAlign::Center>
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
placeholder="Type '/' to search"
<For each=move || search_options.get() key=|option| option.label.clone() let:option>
2024-07-22 16:28:38 +08:00
<AutoCompleteOption value=option.value>{option.label}</AutoCompleteOption>
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
<AutoCompletePrefix slot>
style="font-size: 18px; color: var(--thaw-placeholder-color);"
2024-07-24 13:22:46 +00:00
on_select=move |value : String| match value.as_str() {
"Dark" => change_theme(MouseEvent::new("click").unwrap()),
"Light" => change_theme(MouseEvent::new("click").unwrap()),
"github" => { _ = window().open_with_url("http://github.com/thaw-ui/thaw"); },//FIXME: breaks page
"discord" => { _ = window().open_with_url("https://discord.gg/YPxuprzu6M"); },//FIXME: breaks page
_ => navigate_signal.get()(&value, Default::default())
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
2024-07-24 13:22:46 +00:00
<MenuTrigger slot class="demo-header__menu-mobile">
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
attr:style="font-size: 22px; padding: 0px 6px;"
2024-07-24 13:22:46 +00:00
<MenuItem key=theme_name label=theme_name/>
<MenuItem icon=icondata::AiGithubOutlined key="github" label="Github"/>
<MenuItem icon=icondata::BiDiscordAlt key="discord" label="Discord"/>
use crate::pages::{gen_menu_data, MenuGroupOption, MenuItemOption};
gen_menu_data().into_iter().map(|data| {
let MenuGroupOption { label, children } = data;
view! {
<Caption1Strong style="margin-inline-start: 10px; margin-top: 10px; display: block">
children.into_iter().map(|item| {
let MenuItemOption { label, value } = item;
view! {
<MenuItem label key=value/>
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
<Space class="demo-header__right-btn" align=SpaceAlign::Center>
2024-07-19 17:30:46 +08:00
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
{move || theme_name.get()}
attr:style="font-size: 22px; padding: 0px 6px;"
on_click=move |_| {
_ = window().open_with_url("https://discord.gg/YPxuprzu6M");
2024-07-02 07:18:40 +00:00
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
attr:style="font-size: 22px; padding: 0px 6px;"
on_click=move |_| {
_ = window().open_with_url("http://github.com/thaw-ui/thaw");
2024-07-02 07:18:40 +00:00
2024-07-08 14:40:17 +08:00
2023-10-08 09:28:13 +08:00
2023-06-18 19:40:23 +08:00
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
2024-07-02 07:18:40 +00:00
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
struct AutoCompleteOption {
pub label: String,
pub value: String,
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
fn gen_search_all_options() -> Vec<AutoCompleteOption> {
2024-06-03 11:27:29 +08:00
use crate::pages::gen_menu_data;
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
2023-11-16 12:33:04 +08:00
.flat_map(|group| {
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
group.children.into_iter().map(|item| AutoCompleteOption {
2024-06-03 11:27:29 +08:00
value: item.value,
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
label: item.label,
2024-06-03 11:27:29 +08:00
2023-11-08 17:27:01 +08:00
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
2024-06-03 11:27:29 +08:00
// fn use_menu_value(change_theme: Callback<()>) -> RwSignal<String> {
// use crate::pages::gen_guide_menu_data;
// let guide = store_value(gen_guide_menu_data());
// let navigate = use_navigate();
// let loaction = use_location();
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
2024-06-03 11:27:29 +08:00
// let menu_value = create_rw_signal({
// let mut pathname = loaction.pathname.get_untracked();
// if pathname.starts_with("/components/") {
// pathname.drain(12..).collect()
// } else if pathname.starts_with("/guide/") {
// pathname.drain(7..).collect()
// } else {
// String::new()
// }
// });
2024-01-04 23:32:58 +08:00
2024-06-03 11:27:29 +08:00
// _ = menu_value.watch(move |name| {
// if name == "Dark" || name == "Light" {
// change_theme.call(());
// return;
// } else if name == "github" {
// _ = window().open_with_url("http://github.com/thaw-ui/thaw");
// return;
// }
// let pathname = loaction.pathname.get_untracked();
// if guide.with_value(|menu| {
// menu.iter()
// .any(|group| group.children.iter().any(|item| &item.value == name))
// }) {
// if !pathname.eq(&format!("/guide/{name}")) {
// navigate(&format!("/guide/{name}"), Default::default());
// }
// } else if !pathname.eq(&format!("/components/{name}")) {
// navigate(&format!("/components/{name}"), Default::default());
// }
// });
// menu_value
// }