mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 06:29:49 -04:00
* feat!: Add support for multiple options in Select * feat: Sync Select menu when value is updated * feat: Decrease line height of multi select items * fix: Invalid callback on multiselect tag close * feat: Sync Select menu only for multiple values * feat: separate `MultiSelect` from `Select` component * fix: SelectLabel slot implementation * feat: rename `MultiSelect` to `SelectMulti` * feat: rename and move `MultiSelect` * feat: add arrow to select component * feat: lower opacity of select dropdown arrow icon * fix: inconsistent select font size * fix: select menu font size * feat: add clear button to multi select * fix: Multi select icon on click attribute * feat: use inline-block for select component * feat: detect select min width based on options * feat: add `allow_clear` prop to `MultiSelect` * feat: remove select min width detection * feat: use `Children` for `SelectLabel` * feat: rename `allow_clear` to `clearable` * fix: follower min width * feat: remove inline-block from `Select`
141 lines
5.1 KiB
141 lines
5.1 KiB
mod markdown;
use crate::markdown::parse_markdown;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span};
use quote::quote;
use syn::ItemFn;
macro_rules! file_path {
($($key:expr => $value:expr),*) => {
($key, include_str!($value)),
pub fn include_md(_token_stream: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let file_list = file_path! {
"DevelopmentComponentsMdPage" => "../docs/_guide/development/components.md",
"DevelopmentGuideMdPage" => "../docs/_guide/development/guide.md",
"InstallationMdPage" => "../docs/_guide/installation.md",
"ServerSiderRenderingMdPage" => "../docs/_guide/server_sider_rendering.md",
"UsageMdPage" => "../docs/_guide/usage.md",
"NavBarMdPage" => "../docs/_mobile/nav_bar/mod.md",
"TabbarMdPage" => "../docs/_mobile/tabbar/mod.md",
"ToastMdPage" => "../docs/_mobile/toast/mod.md",
"AlertMdPage" => "../docs/alert/mod.md",
"AnchorMdPage" => "../docs/anchor/mod.md",
"AutoCompleteMdPage" => "../docs/auto_complete/mod.md",
"AvatarMdPage" => "../docs/avatar/mod.md",
"BackTopMdPage" => "../docs/back_top/mod.md",
"BadgeMdPage" => "../docs/badge/mod.md",
"BreadcrumbMdPage" => "../docs/breadcrumb/mod.md",
"ButtonMdPage" => "../docs/button/mod.md",
"CalendarMdPage" => "../docs/calendar/mod.md",
"CardMdPage" => "../docs/card/mod.md",
"CheckboxMdPage" => "../docs/checkbox/mod.md",
"CollapseMdPage" => "../docs/collapse/mod.md",
"ColorPickerMdPage" => "../docs/color_picker/mod.md",
"DatePickerMdPage" => "../docs/date_picker/mod.md",
"DividerMdPage" => "../docs/divider/mod.md",
"DrawerMdPage" => "../docs/drawer/mod.md",
"GridMdPage" => "../docs/grid/mod.md",
"IconMdPage" => "../docs/icon/mod.md",
"ImageMdPage" => "../docs/image/mod.md",
"InputMdPage" => "../docs/input/mod.md",
"InputNumberMdPage" => "../docs/input_number/mod.md",
"LayoutMdPage" => "../docs/layout/mod.md",
"LoadingBarMdPage" => "../docs/loading_bar/mod.md",
"MenuMdPage" => "../docs/menu/mod.md",
"MessageMdPage" => "../docs/message/mod.md",
"ModalMdPage" => "../docs/modal/mod.md",
"PopoverMdPage" => "../docs/popover/mod.md",
"ProgressMdPage" => "../docs/progress/mod.md",
"RadioMdPage" => "../docs/radio/mod.md",
"ScrollbarMdPage" => "../docs/scrollbar/mod.md",
"SelectMdPage" => "../docs/select/mod.md",
"SkeletonMdPage" => "../docs/skeleton/mod.md",
"SliderMdPage" => "../docs/slider/mod.md",
"SpaceMdPage" => "../docs/space/mod.md",
"SpinnerMdPage" => "../docs/spinner/mod.md",
"SwitchMdPage" => "../docs/switch/mod.md",
"TableMdPage" => "../docs/table/mod.md",
"TabsMdPage" => "../docs/tabs/mod.md",
"TagMdPage" => "../docs/tag/mod.md",
"ThemeMdPage" => "../docs/theme/mod.md",
"TimePickerMdPage" => "../docs/time_picker/mod.md",
"TypographyMdPage" => "../docs/typography/mod.md",
"UploadMdPage" => "../docs/upload/mod.md"
let mut fn_list = vec![];
for (fn_name, file_str) in file_list {
let fn_name = Ident::new(fn_name, Span::call_site());
let (body, demos, toc) = match parse_markdown(file_str) {
Ok(body) => body,
Err(err) => {
return quote!(compile_error!(#err)).into();
let toc = {
let links = toc
.map(|h| format!(r##"<AnchorLink href="#{}" title="{}" />"##, h.0, h.1))
.join(" ");
let toc = format!(
r##"#[component] fn Toc() -> impl IntoView {{ view! {{ <Anchor offset_target=".doc-content">{}</Anchor> }} }}"##,
.expect(&format!("Cannot be resolved as a function: \n {toc}"))
let demos: Vec<ItemFn> = demos
.map(|(index, demo)| {
"#[component] fn Demo{}() -> impl IntoView {{ {} }}",
index + 1,
.map(|demo| {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Cannot be resolved as a function: \n {demo}"))
fn_list.push(quote! {
pub fn #fn_name() -> impl IntoView {
view! {
<div class="demo-components__component">
<div class="demo-components__toc">
<Toc />
quote! {