2024-08-28 22:39:25 -04:00
use crate::components::game::cards::*;
use crate::components::websocket::WebSocketContext;
use leptos::*;
use lib::*;
use serde_json::to_string;
2024-08-30 01:20:54 -04:00
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
2024-08-28 22:39:25 -04:00
pub fn PlayingView() -> impl IntoView {
// Incoming
let websocket = expect_context::<WebSocketContext>();
let game_meta = expect_context::<ReadSignal<Option<GameStateMeta>>>();
// Signals
let (selected_cards, set_selected_cards) = create_signal::<Vec<WhiteCardMeta>>(vec![]);
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let (submitted_cards, set_submitted_cards) =
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let (card_clicked, set_card_clicked) = create_signal::<String>(String::new());
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let (submitted, set_submitted) = create_signal(false);
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let (player_hand, set_player_hand) =
create_signal::<HashMap<String, WhiteCardMeta>>(HashMap::new());
// Outoging
// On Incoming Meta //
// Put cards in a map for easier lookup
// The server sends a vec to preserve ordering
create_effect(move |_| {
if game_meta().is_some() {
for card in game_meta().unwrap().white {
set_player_hand.update(|map| {
map.insert(card.uuid.clone(), card.clone());
set_selected_cards.update(|list| {
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set_submitted_cards.update(|list| {
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2024-08-29 01:11:49 -04:00
// Card selection
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// Toggle selected status of cards
create_effect(move |_| {
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if card_clicked() != "".to_string()
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&& !submitted()
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&& submitted_cards().len() < game_meta().unwrap().black.1.into()
if let Some(clicked_card) = player_hand
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2024-08-29 01:11:49 -04:00
2024-08-28 22:39:25 -04:00
2024-08-29 01:11:49 -04:00
if !selected_cards.get_untracked().contains(clicked_card) {
set_selected_cards.update(|cards| cards.push(clicked_card.to_owned()))
} else if selected_cards.get_untracked().contains(clicked_card)
&& !submitted_cards.get_untracked().contains(clicked_card)
set_selected_cards.update(|cards| {
cards.remove(cards.iter().position(|card| card == clicked_card).unwrap());
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// Clear the signal otherwise it selects the last selected card again
set_card_clicked.update_untracked(|value| value.clear());
// Player Submit Handler //
let submit_move = move |_| {
let msg = to_string(&PlayerMoveRequest {
game_id: game_meta().unwrap().uuid.clone(),
card_ids: selected_cards()
.map(|card| card.uuid.clone())
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set_submitted_cards.update_untracked(|cards| {
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for card in selected_cards.get_untracked() {
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2024-08-30 01:20:54 -04:00
if submitted_cards().len() < game_meta().unwrap().black.1.into() {
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2024-08-29 01:11:49 -04:00
set_selected_cards.update_untracked(|list| {
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2024-08-29 01:11:49 -04:00
2024-08-28 22:39:25 -04:00
view! {
<div class="w-full ms-16 inline-flex flex-wrap">
<BlackCard />
// Selected cards
each=move || selected_cards()
key=move |card| card.uuid.clone()
children=move |card| {
view! { <WhiteCard card_data=card /> }
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// Submit button
<div class="w-full inline-flex flex-wrap justify-center">
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when=move || !submitted()
fallback=move || {
view! { <p>"Card(s) submitted. Waiting for other players..."</p> }
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2024-08-30 00:16:55 -04:00
<button type="button" on:click=submit_move.clone()>
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// Player hand
<div class="inline-flex flex-wrap justify-center">
each=move || game_meta().unwrap().white
key=move |card| card.uuid.clone()
children=move |card| {
view! {
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// Hide cards from hand view when they exist as selected or submitted
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<Show when={
let id = card.uuid.clone();
move || {
if let Some(card) = player_hand().get(&id) {
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&& !submitted_cards().contains(card)
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} else {
<WhiteCard card_data=card.clone() />
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