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# Changelog
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [0.13.4] - 2024-09-05
### Fix 🍕
- `use_websocket` now returns a signal for the websocket instance so the user can actually use it. Before it always
returned `None`.
## [0.13.3] - 2024-09-02
### Fix 🍕
- Fixed `use_color_mode` with cookies enabled
## [0.13.2] - 2024-09-02
### Fix 🍕
- Fixed web-sys `unstable_apis` flag for `use_web_lock`
## [0.13.1] - 2024-09-01
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_web_lock`
- `use_window_size`
### Change 🔥
- `UseWebsocket::protocols` now supports a signal. It is read right before `open` is called. (thanks to @zakstucke)
## [0.13.0] - 2024-08-28
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_toggle`
- `use_prefers_reduced_motion` (thanks to @hcandelaria)
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- `use_websocket` now supports different types for sending and receiving messages
- `SyncSignalOptions` now can take now either transformations or assignment functions but not both.
- updated to `codee` version 0.2.0
### Fixes 🍕
- `use_websocket` fixed error with cleanup and reconnect (thanks to @BakerNet).
### New Features 🚀
- There is now a feature for almost every function to get better compile and rust-analyzer times.
- `use_web_notification` now supports the `vibrate` option (thanks to @hcandelaria).
- `UseDocument` now supports a whole bunch of methods more from `document` (thanks to @luckynumberke7in).
## [0.12.0] - 2024-08-14
> Make sure you also update `cargo-leptos` to the latest version if you use that.
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- Updated to web_sys 0.3.70 which unfortunately is breaking some things.
- `use_clipboard` doesn't need the unstable flags anymore.
- `use_locale` now uses `unic_langid::LanguageIdentifier` and proper locale matching (thanks to @mondeja).
- Removed `UseMouseEventExtractorDefault` and reworked `UseMouseCoordType` (thanks to @carloskiki)
- `use_preferred_dark` and `use_color_mode` now try to read the `Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme` header in SSR. This brings
the necessity to enable an additional feature for them (`axum` / `actix` / `spin`).
### Fixes 🍕
- Fixed the codec chapter in the book to refer to crate `codee`.
## [0.11.4] - 2024-08-12
### New Features 🚀
- `use_web_notification` now supports the options `renotify`, `silent` and `image` (thanks to @hcandelaria).
- `sync_signal` no supports the options `assign_ltr` and `assign_rtl`.
## [0.11.3] - 2024-07-31
### Fix 🍕
- Made `use_timeout_fn` SSR-safe
## [0.11.2] - 2024-07-30
### Change 🔥
- `use_locale` has now a supported locale list.
## (yanked) [0.11.1] - 2024-07-28
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_locale` (thanks to @BrandonDyer64)
- `use_locales` (thanks to @BrandonDyer64)
- `header` Standard implementations for reading a header on the server.
## [0.11.0] - 2024-07-27
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_user_media`
### New Features 🚀
- Codecs:
- All codecs now live in their own crate `codee`
- There are now binary codecs in addition to string codecs.
- `FromToBytesCodec`
- `WebpackSerdeCodec`
- `BincodeSerdeCodec`
- `ProstCodec` (see also the section "Breaking Changes 🛠" below)
- Every binary codec can be used as a string codec with the `Base64` wrapper which encodes the binary data as a
- This required feature `base64`
- It can be wrapped for example like this: `Base64<WebpackSerdeCodec>`.
- There is now an `OptionCodec` wrapper that allows to wrap any string codec that encodes `T` to encode `Option<T>`.
- Use it like this: `OptionCodec<FromToStringCodec<f64>>`.
- `ElementMaybeSignal` is now implemented for `websys::HtmlElement` (thanks to @blorbb).
- `UseStorageOptions` now has `delay_during_hydration` which has to be used when you conditionally show parts of
the DOM controlled by a value from storage. This leads to hydration errors which can be fixed by setting this new
option to `true`.
- `cookie::SameSite` is now re-exported
- Changing the signal returned by `use_cookie` now tries and changes the headers during SSR.
- New book chapter about codecs
- The macro `use_derive_signal!` is now exported (thanks to @mscofield0).
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- `UseStorageOptions` and `UseEventSourceOptions` no longer accept a `codec` value because this is already provided as a
generic parameter to the respective function calls.
- Codecs have been refactored. There are now two traits that codecs implement: `Encoder` and `Decoder`. The
trait `StringCodec` is gone. The methods are now associated methods and their params now always take references.
- `JsonCodec` has been renamed to `JsonSerdeCodec`.
- The feature to enable this codec is now called `json_serde` instead of just `serde`.
- `ProstCodec` now encodes as binary data. If you want to keep using it with string data you can wrap it like
this: `Base64<ProstCodec>`.
- All of these structs, traits and features now live in their own crate called `codee`
- A bunch of new codecs are available. Have a look at the docs for crate `codee`.
- `use_websocket`:
- `UseWebsocketOptions` has been renamed to `UseWebSocketOptions` (uppercase S) to be consistent with the return
- `UseWebSocketOptions::reconnect_limit` and `UseEventSourceOptions::reconnect_limit` is now `ReconnectLimit`
of `u64`. Use `ReconnectLimit::Infinite` for infinite retries or `ReconnectLimit::Limited(...)` for limited
- `use_websocket` now uses codecs to send typed messages over the network.
- When calling you have give type parameters for the message type and the
codec: `use_websocket::<String, WebpackSerdeCodec>`
- You can use binary or string codecs.
- The `UseWebSocketReturn::send` closure now takes a `&T` which is encoded using the codec.
- The `UseWebSocketReturn::message` signal now returns an `Option<T>` which is decoded using the codec.
- `UseWebSocketReturn::send_bytes` and `UseWebSocketReturn::message_bytes` are gone.
- `UseWebSocketOptions::on_message` and `UseWebSocketOptions::on_message_bytes` have been renamed
to `on_message_raw` and `on_message_raw_bytes`.
- The new `UseWebSocketOptions::on_message` takes a `&T`.
- `UseWebSocketOptions::on_error` now takes a `UseWebSocketError` instead of a `web_sys::Event`.
- `use_storage` now always saves the default value to storage if the key doesn't exist yet.
- Renamed `BreakpointsSematic` to `BreakpointsSemantic` and `breakpoints_sematic` to `breakpoints_semantic`
(note the `n`) (thanks to @mondeja).
### Fixes 🍕
- Fixed auto-reconnect in `use_websocket`
- Fixed typo in compiler error messages in `use_cookie` (thanks to @SleeplessOne1917).
- Fixed potential signal out of scope issue with `use_raf_fn`
### Other Changes 🔥
- Better links in docs that work both in the book and in rustdoc (thanks to @mondeja).
- Better CI/CD (thanks to @EstebanBorai).
## [0.10.10] - 2024-05-10
### Change 🔥
- Added compile-time warning when you use `ssr` feature with `wasm32`. You can enable `wasm_ssr` to remove the warning.
## [0.10.9] - 2024-04-27
### Fixes 🍕
- Fixed `use_color_mode` without cookies and make cookies sync properly with local storage
- Fixed `use_infinite_scroll` edge case bug with disposed signals
## [0.10.8] - 2024-04-19
### Change 🔥
- `use_cookie` now supports Spin out of the box (thanks to @javierEd).
## [0.10.7] - 2024-04-10
### New Function 🚀
- `sync_signal`
### Change 🔥
- `use_color_mode` now supports cookies.
## [0.10.6] - 2024-04-02
### Fixes 🍕
- Corrected docs of `use_cookie`'s `max-age` unit to milliseconds (thanks to @sify21).
- Fixed setting multiple cookies in the browser (thanks to @sbking).
## [0.10.5] - 2024-03-12
### Fix 🍕
- Fixed SSR detection from an url query parameter for `use_color_mode` (thanks to @mondeja).
## [0.10.4] - 2024-03-05
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_event_source`
### Changes 🔥
- Wrapped callbacks in a non-reactive zone to remove potential warnings.
- Updated SSR chapter in the book to make it more clear and beginner-friendly (thanks to @flupke).
## [0.10.3] - 2024-02-23
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_or`
- `use_and`
- `use_not`
### Fix 🍕
- Removed signal warnings from `use_websocket`'s `send...` methods.
### Changes 🔥
- `use_color_mode` now supports detection from an url query parameter. (thanks to @mondeja)
## [0.10.2] - 2024-02-09
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_permission`
- `use_clipboard`
- `use_timeout_fn`
## [0.10.1] - 2024-01-31
### Fix 🍕
- Fixed docs.rs build
## [0.10.0] - 2024-01-31
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_broadcast_channel`
- `use_cookie` (thanks to @rakshith-ravi)
- `use_mouse_in_element`
- `use_device_orientation` (thanks to @mondeja)
- `use_device_pixel_ratio` (thanks to @mondeja)
- `use_element_bounding`
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- The `leptos` version is now 0.6
- The trait `Codec` has been renamed to `StringCodec` and has been moved to `util::StringCodec`.
- The struct `StringCodec` has been renamed to `FromToStringCodec` and has been moved to `util::FromToStringCodec`.
- The structs `JsonCodec` and `ProstCodec` have been moved to `util` as well.
- The function `use_storage` now requires type parameters for the stored type and the codec like all the other
`...storage...` functions.
### Fixes 🍕
- Fixed `use_geolocation` SSR compile issue
- Fixed `use_intl_number_format` maximum fraction digits option
### Changes 🔥
- The `UseMouseReturn` signals `x`, `y`, and `source_type` are now of type `Signal<f64>` instead of `ReadSignal<f64>`.
- You can now convert `leptos::html::HtmlElement<T>` into `Element(s)MaybeSignal`. This should make functions a lot
easier to use in directives.
- There's now a chapter in the book especially for `Element(s)MaybeSignal`.
- Throttled or debounced callbacks (in watch\__ or _\_fn) no longer are called after the containing scope was cleaned
- The document returned from `use_document` now supports the methods `query_selector` and `query_selector_all`.
## [0.9.0] - 2023-12-06
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_display_media` (thanks to @seanaye)
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- (@feral-dot-io) The use `use_<type>_storage` functions have been rewritten to use `Codec`s instead of always
requiring `serde`.
- This also removes the feature `storage`
- By default the `StringCodec` is used which relies on types implementing `FromString + ToString`
- If you want to use `JsonCodec` you have to enable the feature `serde`
- If you want to use `ProstCodec` (new!) you have to enable the feature `prost`.
- (@feral-dot-io) The Rust flag `--cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis` is not needed anymore since relevant `web_sys` APIs are
now stable.
This affects in particular
- `use_element_size`
- `use_resize_observer`
### Fixes 🍕
- `use_raf_fn` and `use_timestamp` no longer spam warnings because of `get`ting signals outside of reactive contexts.
- `use_infinite_scroll` no longer calls the callback twice for the same event
- `use_scroll` now uses `try_get_untracked` in the debounced callback to avoid panics if the context has been destroyed
while the callback was waiting to be called.
- `use_idle` works properly now (no more idles too early).
- `use_web_notification` doesn't panic on the server anymore.
## [0.8.2] - 2023-11-09
### Fixes 🍕
- Fixed SSR for
- use_timestamp
- use_raf_fn
- use_idle
## [0.8.1] - 2023-10-28
### Fixes 🍕
- Using strings for `ElementMaybeSignal` and `ElementsMaybeSignal` is now SSR safe.
- This fixes specifically `use_color_mode` to work on the server.
## [0.8.0] - 2023-10-24
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_web_notification` (thanks to @centershocks44)
- `use_infinite_scroll`
- `use_service_worker` (thanks to @lpotthast)
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- `use_scroll` returns `impl Fn(T) + Clone` instead of `Box<dyn Fn(T)>`.
### Other Changes 🔥
- `UseScrollReturn` is now documented
## [0.7.2] - 2023-10-21
### Fixes 🍕
- Some functions still used `window()` which could lead to panics in SSR. This is now fixed.
Specifically for `use_draggable`.
## [0.7.1] - 2023-10-02
### New Function 🚀
- `use_sorted`
## [0.7.0] - 2023-09-30
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_timestamp`
- `use_idle`
- `use_document`
- `use_window`
- `use_geolocation`
- `signal_debounced`
- `signal_throttled`
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- Leptos version is now 0.5
- No `cx: Scope` params are supported/needed anymore because of the changes in Leptos.
Please check the release notes of Leptos 0.5 for how to upgrade.
- `watch` is now deprecated in favor of `leptos::watch` and will be removed in a future release.
`watch_with_options` will continue to exist.
- `use_event_listener_with_options` now takes a `UseEventListenerOptions` instead of
a `web_sys::AddEventListenerOptions`.
- `use_mutation_observer_with_options` now takes a `UseMutationObserverOptions` instead of
a `web_sys::MutationObserverInit`.
- `use_websocket`:
- takes now a `&str` instead of a `String` as its `url` parameter.
- same for the returned `send` method.
- The `ready_state` return type is now renamed to `ConnectionReadyState` instead of `UseWebSocketReadyState`.
- The returned signals `ready_state`, `message`, `message_bytes` have now the type
`Signal<...>` instead of `ReadSignal<...>` to make them more consistent with other functions.
- The options `reconnect_limit` and `reconnect_interval` now take a `u64` instead of `Option<u64>` to improve DX.
- The option `manual` has been renamed to `immediate` to make it more consistent with other functions.
To port please note that `immediate` is the inverse of `manual` (`immediate` = `!manual`).
- Added documentation how pass it ergonomically as context.
- `use_color_mode`:
- The optional `on_changed` handler parameters have changed slightly. Please refer to the docs for more details.
- Throttled or debounced functions cannot be `FnOnce` anymore.
- All traits `ClonableFn...` have been removed.
### Other Changes 🔥
- `use_websocket` can use relative urls now
- Callbacks in options don't require to be cloneable anymore
- Callback in `use_raf_fn` doesn't require to be cloneable anymore
- All (!) functions can now be safely called on the server. Specifically this includes the following that before
panicked on the server:
- `use_scroll`
- `use_event_listener`
- `use_element_hover`
- `on_click_outside`
- `use_drop_zone`
- `use_element_size`
- `use_element_visibility`
- `use_resize_observer`
- `use_intersection_observer`
- `use_mutation_observer`
### Fixes 🍕
- `use_element_visibility` didn't work in some cases on Chrome properly. This has been fixed.
## [0.6.3] - 2023-08-12
### Fixes 🍕
- `use_websocket` panicked after unmount
## [0.6.2] - 2023-08-03
### Fixes 🍕
- `use_event_listener_with_options` removes the handlers now correctly.
## [0.6.1] - 2023-08-03
### Fixes 🍕
- `use_storage` now uses `.get_untracked()` to avoid warnings.
## [0.6.0] - 2023-07-17
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_draggable`
- `use_to_string`
- `is_err`
- `is_ok`
- `is_none`
- `is_some`
- `use_raf_fn`
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- The following functions now accept a `MaybeRwSignal` as their initial/default value which means
you can use a synchronized `RwSignal` in those places.
- `use_color_mode`
- `use_cycle_list`
- `use_favicon`
- `use_storage`
- `use_local_storage`
- `use_session_storage`
- Instead of returning `ReadSignal`, the following functions now return `Signal`.
- `use_color_mode`
- `use_favicon`
- `use_storage`
- `use_local_storage`
- `use_session_storage`
### Fixes 🍕
- `use_drop_zone` now uses `.get_untracked()` in event handlers
## [0.5.0] - 2023-07-15
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_drop_zone`
- `use_websocket` (thanks @sectore)
- `use_intl_number_format`
### Changes 🔥
- Crate is ready for Server-Side Rendering. Enable feature `ssr` like you do for `leptos`.
## [0.4.1] - 2023-07-07
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_window_focus`
- `use_window_scroll`
- `use_document_visibility`
## [0.4.0] - 2023-07-03
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- Required `leptos` version is now 0.4
- Following the changes in `leptos` there is no longer a `stable` crate feature required in order to use this library
with a stable toolchain.
If you want to use it with a nightly toolchain you have to enable the `nightly` feature only on `leptos` directly.
No change is required for `leptos-use` itself.
## [0.3.3] - 2023-06-24
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_color_mode`
- `use_cycle_list`
- `use_active_element`
### Changes 🔥
- You can now use this crate with the `stable` toolchain (thanks @lpotthast)
- Set leptos dependency to `default-features = false` in order to enable SSR.
## [0.3.2] - 2023-06-17
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_css_var`
- `use_element_hover`
## [0.3.1] - 2023-06-15
### New Functions 🚀
- `use_interval_fn`
- `use_interval`
## [0.3.0] - 2023-06-13
### Breaking Changes 🛠
- `use_event_listener` no longer returns a `Box<dyn Fn()>` but a `impl Fn() + Clone`
### Changes 🔥
- You can now specify a `&str` or `Signal<String>` with CSS selectors wherever a node ref is accepted
- Callbacks of the following functions no longer require `Clone`
- `use_resize_observer`
- `use_intersection_observer`
- These functions now also accept multiple target elements in addition to a single one:
- `use_resize_observer`
- `use_intersection_observer`
### New Functions 🚀
- `whenever`
- `use_mutation_observer`
- `use_abs`
- `on_click_outside`
## [0.2.1] - 2023-06-11
### New Functions
- `use_intersection_observer`
- `use_element_visibility`
## [0.2.0] - 2023-06-11
### Breaking Changes
- `watch` doesn't accept `immediate` as a direct argument anymore. This is only provided by the option variant.
- `watch` has now variant `watch_with_options` which allows for debouncing and throttling.
### New Functions
- `use_storage`
- `use_local_storage`
- `use_session_storage`
- `watch_debounced`
- `watch_throttled`
- `watch_pausable`
- `use_ceil`
- `use_round`
- `use_media_query`
- `use_preferred_dark`
- `use_preferred_contrast`
- `use_favicon`
- `use_breakpoints`
### Other Changes
- Function count badge in readme
## [0.1.8/9] - 2023-06-05
- Fixed documentation and doc tests running for functions behind `#[cfg(web_sys_unstable_apis)]`
## [0.1.7] - 2023-06-05
### New Function
- `use_element_size`
## [0.1.6] - 2023-06-03
### Changes
- Fixed documentation so all feature are documented
## [0.1.5] - 2023-06-03
### New Functions
- `use_floor`
- `use_max`
- `use_min`
### Changes
- New feature: `math` that has to be activated in order to use the math functions.
## [0.1.4] - 2023-06-02
### New Functions
- `use_supported`
- `use_resize_observer`
- `watch`
- `use_mouse`
### Changes
- Use the crate `default-struct-builder` to provide ergonimic function options.
## [0.1.3] - 2023-05-28
### New Functions
- `use_scroll`
- `use_debounce_fn`
### Other Changes
- Better and more beautiful demo integration into the guide.