2024-05-05 05:32:16 -04:00
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
2024-05-04 02:23:40 -04:00
use axum::{response::Html, routing::get, Router};
2024-07-18 04:00:56 -04:00
use axum_extra::response::Css;
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
use std::{
2024-05-04 02:23:40 -04:00
// collections::HashSet,
2024-05-03 23:17:39 -04:00
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use tokio::sync::broadcast;
2024-07-18 04:00:56 -04:00
use tower_http::{
services::{ServeDir, ServeFile},
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt};
2024-07-18 04:00:56 -04:00
2024-05-03 21:12:23 -04:00
pub mod gamemaster;
use crate::gamemaster::*;
2024-04-27 18:22:35 -04:00
pub mod api;
use crate::api::*;
2024-05-04 02:32:49 -04:00
use crate::message_handler::*;
2024-04-27 18:22:35 -04:00
2024-04-06 22:38:00 -04:00
/// Parse json for card data
2024-05-05 05:32:16 -04:00
fn load_json(path: &str) -> Result<Vec<CAHCardSet>> {
let data: String =
fs::read_to_string(path).with_context(|| format!("Invalid JSON path: \"{}\"", path))?;
let jayson: Vec<CAHCardSet> =
serde_json::from_str(&data).with_context(|| format!("\"{path}\" is invalid json"))?;
2024-04-05 22:38:41 -04:00
2024-05-04 21:28:42 -04:00
// this is still around just for reference
2024-04-30 02:28:43 -04:00
2024-05-05 05:32:16 -04:00
fn test() -> Result<()> {
2024-04-06 22:38:00 -04:00
// choose decks
2024-07-18 04:00:56 -04:00
let cards_input_path: &str = "../data/cah-cards-full.json";
2024-04-12 18:23:33 -04:00
// TODO: this should be a master card database and pointers
// to the cards should be passed to the game instead of actual cards
2024-04-12 02:04:58 -04:00
let chosen_packs: Vec<CAHCardSet> = load_json(cards_input_path)?;
2024-04-12 18:23:33 -04:00
println!("{}", &chosen_packs.len());
2024-04-05 22:38:41 -04:00
2024-04-12 02:04:58 -04:00
let test_player0 = CAHPlayer {
2024-04-30 02:28:43 -04:00
name: "Adam".to_string(),
2024-04-12 18:35:13 -04:00
role: PlayerRole::Host,
white: vec![],
black: vec![],
2024-04-12 02:04:58 -04:00
let test_player1 = CAHPlayer {
2024-04-30 02:28:43 -04:00
name: "Ferris".to_string(),
2024-04-12 18:35:13 -04:00
role: PlayerRole::Player,
white: vec![],
black: vec![],
2024-04-12 02:04:58 -04:00
// make some games
2024-04-12 18:23:33 -04:00
// use hashmap?
2024-04-12 02:04:58 -04:00
let mut games: Vec<CAHGame> = vec![];
// create game with/for player 0
2024-04-12 18:35:13 -04:00
let test_game0 = NewGameRequest {
name: "Test0".to_string(),
host: test_player0,
2024-05-01 04:56:58 -04:00
// packs: chosen_packs,
packs: vec![0],
2024-04-12 18:35:13 -04:00
2024-04-13 21:04:42 -04:00
2024-04-12 02:04:58 -04:00
2024-04-12 18:23:33 -04:00
// a new game request struct but this player is a player
2024-04-10 04:18:31 -04:00
2024-04-12 02:35:35 -04:00
// start round
2024-04-12 18:23:33 -04:00
2024-04-13 21:04:42 -04:00
2024-04-24 02:24:10 -04:00
for card in &games[0].players[0].white {
println!("{}", card.text);
2024-04-27 01:03:20 -04:00
2024-04-30 02:28:43 -04:00
// Our shared state
pub struct AppState {
// We require unique usernames. This tracks which usernames have been taken.
2024-05-04 02:23:40 -04:00
// user_set: Mutex<HashSet<String>>,
2024-04-30 02:28:43 -04:00
// Channel used to send messages to all connected clients.
tx: broadcast::Sender<String>,
// Master card decks
all_cards: Mutex<Vec<CAHCardSet>>,
// Games list
games: Mutex<Vec<CAHGame>>,
2024-05-04 03:52:53 -04:00
// Include utf-8 files at **compile** time.
2024-06-22 02:16:35 -04:00
async fn test_client() -> Html<&'static str> {
2024-05-04 21:28:42 -04:00
2024-05-04 02:49:17 -04:00
2024-06-22 02:16:35 -04:00
async fn spawn_clients() -> Html<&'static str> {
async fn reference_client() -> Html<&'static str> {
2024-05-04 02:49:17 -04:00
2024-06-23 04:49:32 -04:00
async fn css() -> Css<&'static str> {
2024-05-04 02:49:17 -04:00
2024-04-27 02:34:28 -04:00
2024-05-05 05:32:16 -04:00
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
2024-05-04 03:52:53 -04:00
// stuff for logging
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
2024-07-18 04:00:56 -04:00
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "cards=trace,tower_http=trace".into()),
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
// Set up application state for use with with_state().
2024-05-04 02:23:40 -04:00
// let user_set = Mutex::new(HashSet::new());
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
let (tx, _rx) = broadcast::channel(100);
2024-04-30 02:28:43 -04:00
let cards_input_path: &str = "data/cah-cards-full.json";
let all_cards = Mutex::new(load_json(cards_input_path)?);
let games = Mutex::new(vec![]);
let app_state = Arc::new(AppState {
2024-05-04 02:23:40 -04:00
// user_set,
2024-04-30 02:28:43 -04:00
2024-05-04 03:52:53 -04:00
// set routes and apply state
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
let app = Router::new()
2024-06-22 02:16:35 -04:00
.route("/spawn_clients", get(spawn_clients))
.route("/test_client", get(test_client))
.route("/reference_client", get(reference_client))
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
.route("/websocket", get(websocket_handler))
2024-06-23 04:49:32 -04:00
.route("/css", get(css))
2024-07-18 04:00:56 -04:00
.nest_service("/", ServeDir::new("dist"))
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00
2024-05-04 03:52:53 -04:00
// send it
2024-05-05 05:32:16 -04:00
let address = "";
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(address)
.with_context(|| format!("{} is not a valid bind address.", address))?;
2024-05-02 01:00:47 -04:00
tracing::debug!("listening on {}", listener.local_addr()?);
2024-05-03 23:17:39 -04:00
2024-04-30 02:28:43 -04:00
2024-04-28 04:53:00 -04:00